The Race Continues…

Today was the first day back at work. I totally overslept and almost got to work late. Luckily, my clock-instinct told me that I had about a minute to wake up, get dressed, brush my teeth, pee, and run out the door.

I’m still racing with Peter. He’s putting up a good fight. Any bloggers out there need to help me win… He is playing around with the new Google Map feature, and the more people that check out his site, the nerdier it will make him (the more it will help him create this site). So if you are feeling generous with your time, click this link and type in your zipcode. Then when the next page comes up, copy and paste that link and send it to your friends.

Anyways, work went relatively quick today. I am glad that I only have a month left, because I can’t take too much more of this working until 7pm stuff. Since I don’t eat breakfast (I know, I know… I should eat in the morning), I am starving at 10, so then I eat lunch at 12:30. The next 7 hours of the day go by slowly and make me hungry.

My family and I are supposedly going to Washington DC in August for a weekend. Anyone have any suggestions as to what we should do? I really wanna visit an H&M store. I keep seeing the ads in my Cosmo and I need to check it out. The clothes look trendy but reasonable.

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