Tuesday’s Debate

Work lately has been ungodly busy, since we have tons of new students getting ready to begin school on August 1st. It’s crazy! I’ve heard that they may have found a replacement for me when I leave, and she seems really nice. I’m not sure if they’re actually going to hire her or not, but good luck to her!

Peter and I went to Gourmet Gang for lunch this afternoon. I love that place! Anyhow, while we were there, we ended up sitting way too close to these two late-twenties-ladies. Oh my goodness… I’ve never heard girls talk so fast in my life. They just yapped and yapped the entire time about weddings, engagement rings, veils, and wedding dresses. The one woman was married already, but the other was hoping that her boyfriend would propose to her soon. I didn’t think anything of the discussion until I heard the engage-ee announce that she can’t wait until he proposes and finally says that he loves her. Wait. What?? Finally? What is that crap? I wanted to turn to her in the midst of their conversation and ask her 1) Who stays with a guy for a significant amount of time, hoping that he’ll propose, even though he has
never professed any love for her? 2) And how in the world is he going to get a word in edgewise if he decides to propose? Eek.

I’ve also realized tonight that Peter and I seem to come to similar conclusions, although we get their from totally different perspectives. I think that’s refreshing. He loves to debate, which I don’t really enjoy doing… but I took one for the team and debated to his little heart’s content.Regarding the above posted picture: 2 years ago,
I tried to make a picture frame for Peter for Valentine’s Day.
I went to Wal-mart and picked out V-Day colors and decided
that getting the heart stencil was probably too girly…
so I went with the paw prints instead. No, I was not on crack,
but I have no idea why, in my mind, paw prints were manlier than hearts.
This frame still sits on Peter’s desk at work,
although his coworkers encourage him to put it in a drawer.
That’s love.

Reality TV moment:
I’m watching Average Joe, and I think there are some pretty nice guys on there. I’m so glad that she got rid of the preppy, snobby models, because I really wanted to kick some of them in the manparts whenever they opened their mouths (–I’m really not as violent as it may sound in my blog). There’s this one “Average Joe,” named Arthur, and I feel bad for saying this, but he’s such a wussy, touchy-feely guy. All he ever does is talk about his feelings. I’m rooting for the Cancer Patient Therapist, Josh.

2 Replies to “Tuesday’s Debate”

  1. Aww. Dave and I have a picture frame like that… it’s covered in girly whales… and the picture in it is of us holding stuffed animal whales. Quite girly. 🙂

  2. ps. The whale picture can be found in the new “david video”. I smiled and thought of you when making it and made sure I put our girlie little whales in for all to see.

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