Lovin’ Me Some Nerd

I am ecstatic right now. Peter and I have tickets for Ben Folds on November 12th in Maryland!!! Everytime I try to find tickets for BF, they’re sold out within the first few hours. I CANNOT wait for the concert! He’s playing with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, so it should be awesome. I’ve been listening to Songs for Silverman a lot lately. It makes me sing and bounce in the car on the drive home everyday. What a fabulous weekend that will be! We have close seats, too! YAHOO!!! And I have a thing for nerds, so I’m excited about seeing Ben being geeky and musically-inclined.

Sarah and I will stop for Starbucks tomorrow morning before school, which also makes me happy.

I taught by myself today, because my teacher was absent. It was a pretty good experience, except for the one child that decided to climb on tables and do cartwheels all day. Hey, you win some…


One Reply to “Lovin’ Me Some Nerd”

  1. ben folds is my favorite person EVER to see live. he’s amazing, the concert’s amazing and his drummer makes really funny faces while drumming. like he gets really, really into it. i enjoyed him. but yes, very exciting all around. i

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