
This post is for all of the crushes, friends, boyfriends, family members, strangers, teachers, classmates, roommates, fraternity brothers, bosses, coworkers, etc. that I’ve had in my life and for all of those that I will have.

It’s hard to imagine that you have an impact on someone’s life. Especially when you may rarely speak with them or haven’t maybe haven’t spoken to them in years. Sometimes the effect that you have isn’t obvious… but it’s those times that you’re never quite sure of what happened that stick in your mind. And then you wonder if those people ever really cared, if they ever care (presently), if think about you, if they reminisce, if they compare you to people they’ve met or people they’ll meet, if they despise anything that reminds them of you, if they shudder at the mention of your name, if they regret you, if they give you a thought at all…

I know it’s silly to think about all of this, but…
I’ll never truly know the impact that I have upon the people that I have met in my lifetime.

*Note: I tried to find a picture to post with this entry, but nothing could capture what I felt while writing this. It’s not necessarily meant to be a sad post… just a look back.

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