I almost forgot how beautiful you are.

Best compliment I’ve heard for a long time. Don’t know how to take compliments very well, but I’m trying.

My younger brother, Jerry, graduated from high school tonight. We had a big shindig at Meem and Peep’s house, so he could open his graduation gifts. After that, we went to Applebee’s for some deliciousness. I have to say that even though there were 498 graduates, the 1.5 hr graduation was nice and short. The past 3 college graduations that I’ve attended really make me HATE long ceremonies. Short speeches. Short graduations. Short weddings. Soooounds good to me.

I’ll be posting pics sometime soon. I have to resize them all and delete the crappy ones that I took. Oh, and believe me, I took some bad ones. I literally spent the whole time [while the other 497 names were being called] taking goofy pictures. This should be fun.

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