Posting Problems

I am so bad at posting new blogs lately. Being out of college really gives you a lot less free time, even though I am doing less now… kinda. I go to work during the day, so when I get home, I just don’t feel like sitting down at the computer anymore. I want to go out and go to the store before it closes. I feel like an old woman! By the time I get into my bedroom, it’s 10:30-11pm at night, and by that time, I want to snuggle in my bed and sleep. Or at least watch some tv.

ECPI has been fun lately. Kathi, my boss, hired a new person to take over my position when I leave. Her name is Brittani, and I am sooo glad that Kathi hired her. My department is awesome, but I get a little lonely being by myself out front all the time. Brittani and I are sharing the space right now. It’s a little cramped, but I don’t mind because I have a friend to talk to! The company went on a dolphin boat ride the other day, and it was nice to see Marianne and Britt outside of work. I sound like a dork right now, but I’m excited to have another friend in the area. Outside of college, the friend-making process seems to die down. Working with 5 year olds also doesn’t lend well to making friends my own age.

I’ve gotta set up one of my classroom’s today. That should be interesting when I get in there and realize that I don’t have as much stuff as I thought I did. Eek.

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