First REAL Day

I taught today. I thought I would do all of these things, but when it comes down to it, you end up forgetting half of what you thought you’d say, and you say all of these other things. So hopefully I’ll get to the other half of it tomorrow.

I haven’t been writing much lately, but I really haven’t been inspired. My days have seemed very work-filled, and I don’t really want to write much about work. I think that people should be able to leave work at work and have home in the home. So now I just need to figure out how people balance their lives 🙂

I need to get my tires aligned… badly. My car wobbles down the street, and I don’t really need any problems with it, since it’s “new.”

It’s October. I can’t believe it! Soon I will be 23. The birthdays just keep on comin’. Ha… I remember when it was like 35039250923 years until my next birthday, and now it seens like they are right around the corner.

Brittani, Matt, Peter, and I have been catching up on all of the previous seasons of this show called Prison Break. WHAT A GREAT SHOW! I have to admit–I thought Brittani was nuts when she mentioned this show, but it is definitely addictive. And the main character isn’t too bad to look at either, so it works either way. I think we have about 3-4 more episodes until we are finally caught up with the episodes that are airing now (this season). If you have a free weekend with nothing to do, I suggest renting the first season and watching it. Good stuff.

Peter and I went to the Bark in the Park this weekend. It’s a thing at the local dog park where people bring dogs and put on shows. Yes, both the people and the dogs put on shows. Dog jumping, dog running, dog leaping, dog swerving, dog eating (as in dogs doing the eating–not dogs being eaten), etc. It was cute to see all of the pups, but lemme just say that people need to stop buying little outfits for their dogs. It was cute the first time I saw it. Now it’s just getting old.

Chorus is really interesting this semester. Our choir seems to have cut itself in half. A lot of the older members are out, and we have a younger crowd now. Don’t get me wrong; we still have some of the older members, but it’s nice to have young blood in there 🙂 I was taking a look at the Christmas music that we got, and I think Jeff, our director, might be smoking crack. You should check out this one song… “Little Lamb” or “The Lamb” by Tavener. Try to find an MP3 on the internet of this song. There are some really pretty parts to it, but the rest of it is crazy.

Ok, bedtime. Have a goodnight!

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