Across the Universe

In the midst of planning a wedding, we will be going to Florida for my “Spring Break.” Remember… I teach kindergarten, so Spring Break is well-needed and welcomed. I have no idea what we will be doing down there. We’re staying near the Keys. I can’t imagine that people could snorkel all day long, so we’ll see!

On a musical note *har har*, I came across a trailer for a movie called Across the Universe. As you can imagine, it’s going to be a musical movie that includes a Beatles’ soundtrack and is sung by the cast. Everytime I hear the trailer, I just want to giggle like a schoolgirl. The lead characters’ voice is amaaaazing. Peter says it’s because he sounds like Ewan McGregor… and everyone thinks I’m obsessed with Moulin Rouge, so I guess that would fall into their theory (–not obsessed. I just like it and I enjoy the soundtrack. Honest.).

I’m going to be a bridesmaid in Michelle’s wedding, so I’m excited about having something to do in September (besides see the movie!!!). Since my wedding is next March, I will need something to break up the time. I am also excited about Michelle’s wedding because I get a pretty dress. It looks very elegant, and how often do girls get to dress up now-a-days?

Peter and I have been looking at reception halls with my parents. We have finally reserved a hall, and it is very nice. If you remind me, I can post a picture. We also have to find a photographer and a DJ, like, yesterday. Apparently they book up quickly, so if you have any photographer suggestions, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. They are so expensive, and it almost seems like a rip-off. I wouldn’t mind paying thousands of dollars if I were getting an album AND a high-quality CD with reprinting rights, but most places either give you just a CD or just an album. I’m having a hard time finding both of the above with photographers that actually take classy pictures. So please… suggestions!

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