Here Comes February

I’m enjoying my photog class. The last class I took for my own enjoyment was when I was 21 and in college choir. It’s nice to just do something because I want to. Anywho.

Photog today was productive. Our instructor came around to critique our photos and tell us which she feels are high-quality images for our first portfolio. It was kind of nice to see that she liked a lot of my pictures and that she seemed to pick out the pics that I felt were my best, too.

Today was a pretty productive day. And by productive, I mean:

  1. Cleaned all of my clothes off the top of the dresser
  2. Cleaned the bathroom
  3. Cleaned the kitchen
  4. Swept the downstairs
  5. Cleaned the wood laminate floors
  6. Folded the rest of the laundry
  7. Made homemade chili
  8. Took a billion pictures

Oh, how domestic.

Also, I feel the need to mention that I changed my blog “design.” Over the past few months, I’ve had a good time playing around with Photoshop and other various Adobe programs. I made a bunch of little buttons and thing-a-ma-jingies from scratch. Bragging rights! And, yes, I know that “pink button” is not pink.

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