I Know, I Know

I said I would blog more often. I am trying! These grad courses sure keep me busy.

My photography class is going well, although I feel like I am having trouble finding motivation for “movement.”

I will be subbing all this week, which is good. It’ll be hard to find time for all of my grad courses, photo course, choir, gym, and work, but I can do it this week. It’s only 5 days, right? 🙂

I am loving Desperate Housewives. Who kept this show from me??? Peter and I are watching the first season of LOST. It seems to be good so far. I really enjoy having a show that we watch together. Is that silly? Who cares! The rest of the world can be in season 90, but it is nice to share the slow pace with someone.

This blog isn’t too interesting. It’s just a quick “hello” to make sure I am keeping myself in the groove. Ok… time to read!

Note: I finished the Twilight series. I loved it!! I borrowed the books from my friend and next door neighbor. My mom bought me the series for Valentine’s Day, so I can keep it on my shelf to display. I am going to read the 1st and 2nd again before the 2nd movie comes out.

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