New Lens Day!

I have been waiting for this day to arrive. It’s new camera lens day! I am being eco-friendly, by not buying the new 50mm f/1.8D with AF. I bought a used 50mm f/1.8 Series E Ai-S on eBay. Ok, ok. I would have liked the new one, but they are $135+, and the older version that is manual is just $25-30. You caught me. It’s so fun. I’m totally loving this shallow depth of field. My old lenses don’t have a very fast f-stop, so this is new and exciting for me. I am still learning how to use it though. It’s not hard, but there is no light meter, so you have to set the shutter speed based on a hand light meter or just trying it out. I’m just making educated guesses at the moment as to what the shutter speed should be for different lighting.

Gah. I hate that I am allergic to fake jewelry. I have this really cute sterling silver charm, but I have broken all of my nice chains. So I had to wear my nice charm on a fake chain the other day, and now my neck is all broken out with hives. It’s so itchy!

Lennon has a partially torn ACL, so we are keeping her on “bed rest.” Well… we are keeping her on as-much-rest-as-possible. How do you keep a herding, high-energy, sass-tastic dog from being active? So far, we have taken the following steps to ensure that her leg has a chance to heal. The keyword being “chance.”

1. Block off any access to stairs. She loves running up and down them as fast as possible.
2. Give her herbal stress relievers for dogs to try to calm her down a little.
3. Put an ace bandage on her whole leg, so it’s awkward to walk/run on.
4. Walk her outside to pee and don’t let go of her collar… or else she will chase birds.

Any other ideas?

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