Happy 2010!

So I really need to get back into blogging again. I enjoyed it and blogged from my sophomore year in college 2002 to about 2007ish. I had a good time reading about other people’s days, and it was fun to type about my own–then my friends and family don’t have to hear about some of the lame things that happen to me each day. You know what I’m talking about. That trip to the grocery store when you ran into the glass door and the security guard shared a laugh with you. Yea, husbands don’t need to hear those stories all the time.

Goals for the New Year:

1. Listen more.
2. Be healthier.
3. Post more blogs and/or take more pictures.

I think these are doable goals.

Story for the New Year
I decide to call my parents at 12:01am to wish them a Happy New Year, and my phone number is similar to 555-0001. In the midst of dialing and chatting with friends while I dialed, I forgot how many times I pressed 0 already. I assumed it was only twice, so then I finished with 01. Ring, ring, “Hello?” “Happy New Year!” I said as the voice on the other end sounds giggly and said, “Happy New Year to you, too!” I proceeded to ask what she was up to, who was over, what they were doing tonight, and asked, “You sound silly tonight. Have you been drinking? Are Burt and Donna over?” The lady starts laughing and says, “No… it’s Stephen and Amy.” Then I realized that I may have dialed 0000 by mistake. The woman confirmed my mistake, and we laughed hysterically about the situation over the phone. We wished each other a Happy New Year, and then I’m sure we both ran to our friends to fill them in on the other half of the phone conversation that they didn’t hear.

It was a great way to start 2010! A phone call to a stranger that makes you mutually laugh with each other.

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