A Girl’s Best Friend

When you hit your 20’s, something terrible starts to happen to your body–indigestion. You hear about indigestion when you’re little, and you just think, “Must be something that happens to old people.” Well, I guess I’m official “old” at age 26. It started around age 24ish and reminds me that peppers might taste good going down, but then I’m going to have to taste them all night long coming up. Bleh. That’s pretty much the noise I make everytime I burp after a meal now. So, folks, keep a spare TUMS in your desk at work, in your car, or in your pocketbooks, because apparently old age doesn’t care where you are when it strikes.

One Reply to “A Girl’s Best Friend”

  1. No dude! Trust me! I’ve got the best cure for you. It’s called Titralec. It’s a white bottle with a yellow cap, costs about 6 bucks at any CVS (can be found near the Tums). You can chew or swallow 2 (I swallow because it tastes like spearmint pool water) and it will cure any acid in your belly. It’s just a stronger form of Tums really, I can take it with my strong Gastritis drugs without any problems. AND my coworkers come over to my desk and beg for it. Trust me on this one. Will make your life so much better 🙂

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