The Only Snow of 2010

For some reason unknown to me, it actually snowed in southeastern Virginia. This never happens. Occasionally, we get some flurries, and the lame city closes down because of the threat of wintry weather. Our area has about 2 snow plows and a bag of salt–living by the beach, we don’t normally get anything other than cold rain in the winter, so this makes sense.
The meteorologists had been talking about this “huge” snowstorm that would definitely hit our area by Friday/Saturday of last weekend. Normally, this involves telling the viewing area about a possibility of snow, closing down the schools, and then nothing happens. Totally not cool, considering there are no snow days built into the public school calendars down here, which means make-up days.
But like I said, somehow it actually snowed about 8″ in our area. Some places got a foot, some got 4 inches. Not a blizzard by any means, but people down here sure act like the world is ending–except when it comes to driving. You would be amazed at the number of people who want to drive when roads are icy. We ended up getting about 2 inches of very dense ice covering all of the secondary roads and neighborhood streets, which is why schools are closed today. It is very dangerous in some spots, but you wouldn’t be able to tell this when you see people driving 45mph on black ice, even roads where the ice is clearly present. Maybe this is my northern cynicism, but c’mon, people. Really?
Anywho, Peter and I laid around all weekend and relaxed, since everything was closed. Our dogs were super excited to have us around the house. Lennon absolutely adores anything Peter does, and she was very content to have him pet her all day.
We tried to take the dogs for a little snow walk, and Lennon was so excited, she couldn’t stay still long enough for me to take a good picture. I continuously took about 20 pictures of her, and this was the unblurriest one I could get. She really likes to hold the leash when you mention the world, “walk,” to her. And the noises she makes. You would think she won the lottery. Or whatever dogs would win if they played such things?
Here are some pictures of our snow dogs. Lily obviously loves the snow. By the end of the day, you can see that Lily is exhausted, as she collapsed on Peter’s leg with her tongue hanging out. 🙂 Silly pup.

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