Lennon’s Surgery – Week #2

Just as a side note, I’m trying to keep record of Lennon’s ACL surgery, so other dog owners out there can see the progress of the surgery recovery. Hopefully this will help someone who may have questions. I will also blog about pricing that we found, because there is very little information out there about this.

Over the past 2 weeks, our Australian Cattle Dog mix has been recovering from an ACL surgery, called Lateral Suture Stabilization. She is doing pretty well, and the doctor says her incision site looks absolutely wonderful.

Even though she “just had” ACL surgery, this dog has returned to her normal sassy self, which is good… That’s what I keep telling myself :). She wants to play, run, stand, etc. At the moment, the only thing she is actually allowed to do is rest in her crate, eat her dinner (standing up if possible), and go out to pee on a leash. No running, no jumping, just resting.

We literally just got the OK to start taking her on three 5-minute walks now that she has had 2 weeks to heal. We tried taking the cone off, so you will some pics with, some without. She just had the cone put back on about 2 minutes ago, because she wants to pick at her last 2 stitches.

During the second week, she was still toe-touching and tapping her paw on the ground, which is good, because she’s trying to use the leg again. Here is a video of the toe-touching/tapping thing, so you can see what it looks like.

Thursday, May 27, was her 2 week mark, and we started the 5 minute walks with her. She absolutely loves getting out of the house, but I just want to stress that this is something you do with your dog AFTER the 2-week mark and AFTER the vet tells you it’s ok to do this. I will blog again next week and maybe even have the motivation to scan and post the pricing information about the different surgeries that we were quoted.

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