Is anybody out there?

I don’t know how many people read my blog, but I have a favor to ask of the people that may randomly pop in.

We are trying to get the word out there for our small non-profit organization, Junior Achievement. Right now, we are actually in the running for a chance at $20,000 – $250,000 from the Chase Community Giving contest that is on Facebook.

So if you are a fan of education, children, business, or teaching… please consider using one of your 20 votes* to help support our branch of Junior Achievement. I also encourage you to add us as a friend on Facebook and to share the link with your friends on your Facebook wall. Hopefully, we can get $20,000+ to help us teach K-12 children in Virginia about financial literacy and work readiness skills.

*(Yep! You get 20 votes for any organizations you wish, but you are only allowed to vote once for a charity. Also, if you use 5 votes, you win a gift vote to give to a friend.)

Long story short: It’s free, takes 2 seconds, and could help thousands of kids learn! The contest goes from June 15 – July 12, 2010.

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