Holy Bajeez–It’s Been a While

I’ve been working my butt off lately to win a $20K grant for a non-profit that teaches kids–and guess what?? We won :). Thanks to all of those who helped by voting on Facebook!

In other news, Lennon is healing wonderfully. Her leg is super awesome, and she has been enjoying her swims in the lake (for therapy and for fun).

I have been putting off this post for a while, just because I’ve been so busy with life and grad school, but now is as good a time as any. Right? And when life gets busy, what do you start doing? Shoving things in cabinets to make the kitchen look clean. So even though the house may be a mess, I’m trying to clean one little bit at a time, because every bit helps.

Before – Eek!
After – Phew!

Before – This is what was in the silverware drawer.    
After – Slightly better. Silverware is in the dishwasher 🙂
Cheap birch from Michael’s, old stain, a lace scrapbook page, and white spray paint = wall art!      

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