New Year–A Good Thing?

Happy New Year to everyone! I haven’t been around the blog much this past year, mostly because I have been finishing my Master’s Degree. Check that off the to-do list! Now that I have time again, my goal is to spend a little more time blogging.  I find that when I start having time to myself again, I don’t know what to do. My hobbies don’t come back naturally. I kind of have to force myself into doing them again.

Obviously the gym is a goal for me. I did really well with my 3/week visits in 2008, but since then, things got a little hectic, and the gym was out the window. Now that I have a life again, maybe I can stick with it. I am not a hardcare gymmer, but I did enjoy having toned arms and shoulders. I’d like to have that again, please.

Overall, I kind of hate the “New Year.” I never look forward to starting over again, even though it’s January, and technically nothing changes but the number. I always feel like January means we have to do it all over again. I know each year is different, but I always seem to dread January. It usually means back to work, back to school, back to stress. With no more school work, it means back to work stress–and how!

I really enjoy photography, and I would like to have the motivation to do that again. I haven’t even been excited about weddings lately–and I typically LOVE taking wedding pictures.

So, 2011… Even though I hate your January, I look forward to the free time you will bring to me.

In lighter news, I did get a fancy new phone for Christmas. I absolutely love it!!! It is a Samsung Fascinate–a member of the Android family. I have had 2 Droid phones so far, and I loved the ability to customize things to fit your needs. So much better than an iPhone! BUT… I hated the actual phones I had. The Droid Eris was really fancy looking, but the phone never rang when people called. The LG Ally was big and bulky and always force closed. The Fascinate is absolutely amazing, because it is thing and slick like an iPhone, but I can actually do stuff with it. It’s a “girly” phone as compared to P’s Motorola Droid. I am excited :). I love new technology!

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