Strange Things are Happening

So Peter and I have decided to try out this whole parenting thing. We’ve been married for 4 years, been together for 12 years, and are pretty stable, responsible people. So let’s see how this goes :).

If you know me at all, you’ll know that I love getting out of the house, having guests over, eating out with friends, walking around Target for hours on end, etc. But for the past 5 weeks, I have been a puking monster. Let me just say that people tell you about morning sickness, and you know that it is misnamed, because it could happen anytime…but what you don’t expect is not being able to move your body an inch without vomiting. I always read news articles online about women who didn’t eat a balanced diet for the first trimester, and I though, “How could educated women who can afford healthy food not eat the best, healthiest things?” Well, I figured out how… :/

A friend of mine put it well when she said, “I just started thinking about food in terms of what I wouldn’t mind throwing up later.” Things on my Ok List are cereals, bananas, pb and banana sandwiches, Twinkies, pretzels, pop tarts, banana muffins, beefaroni (some weird exception), oatmeal cookies, cinnamon buns…if you figured it out, it is anything that contains bread or carbs. The strangest thing is how badly I HATE all food right now though. I hate hate hate it all. I don’t want to eat it. It doesn’t taste good. I really just don’t want anything to eat at all…until I start to get sick and then realize that eating is the only thing that keeps morning sickness away.

I think the next blog will be about smells. I know you are excited!!

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