
So besides the morning sickness, telling people the “big news” is the hardest part.

For the first 10-12 weeks, I didn’t want ANYONE to know, because I felt so sick all the time. Who wants people congratulating them and saying, “Aren’t you so happy,” when all you are doing is throwing up all day?

We had to tell our parents around 7 weeks, because they were starting to get suspicious of me not calling, visiting, emailing, messaging, etc. My mom started telling me how boring I was whenever she tried to call. Honestly, I was just trying not to get sick while I talked on the phone. Plus, all I had been doing was sleeping and sitting, so my list of what I did that day was really lame. It worked out well, because Mother’s Day was about the same time as the 7-week mark.

I am not one of those people who watches A Baby Story on TLC or one of those people who has romanticizes pregnancy or babies. So all of those foo-foo ideas of announcements were just out of the picture. I like humorous things or things that are unexpected. I love practical jokes and getting a laugh or a smile out of a situation if I can. We made this card for our parents and my grandmom:

After we thought about several different ideas, Peter and I decided to post a picture that someone might pass over at first glance, but if they read the whole thing, they got a little surprise.

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