Pee Sticks

I needed to make sure to mention that all reasoning goes out the window when you pee on a pregnancy test. You know that they are 99% reliable, but then when one turns positive, you think of all the things that could’ve turned it positive. Like maybe it was that iced tea I had…I never drink iced tea. Or maybe it was that benadryl I took earlier. I think I peed on 40 sticks from and still didn’t believe them. Maybe they were crappy tests? Peter thought this was hilarious and kept calling me “pregnant…” to which I responded, “This is what you say…” He is also convinced that women would prefer to receive information via pee sticks. I think he was jealous of all the excitement ;), because he started making up other things we could find out from peeing on sticks.

Gender of a baby
Career choices
Magic 8 Ball answers
What to eat for dinner
Who peed on the carpet?

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