You’ll Poke Your Eye Out

On Thursday night, I was working at the dining room table…when all of a sudden, Lennon decided to go into super stealth mode toward the stairs. Her ears perked up, and she ran with a purpose toward the steps.

So I looked over and saw a little furry body hopping down the stairs. It was Tubby, the sugar glider. This sugar glider loves to get out and test his fate.

Tubby (on the left)  
Tubby before his diet

I ran to the steps and grabbed Tubby, yelling to Peter to grab Lennon, and at this same time, Lennon jumps toward my hands, scaring Tubby…so Tubby proceeds to jump on my face. Yes, face.

And wouldn’t you know that I haven’t clipped his dagger nails in a few months, even though I keep telling myself, “I really need to clip his nails.” Just in case you don’t know what their feet look like, here is a great pic I found online; it really showcases the talons of death well.

Where do his nails land, you ask? IN MY EYE. Like actually ON MY EYEBALL. At this point, I don’t want to pull him off my face, since his nails are like little hooks, so I just have to wait until he moves off of my eye. 
We called the eye doctor at 8:30 pm, hoping he had an answering service that could tell me what I should do. Luckily, my wonderful eye doctor was on call, and he called in some eye antibiotic gel that night. So I saw in Rite Aid with one eye closed — I could’t really open it because it would just start pouring tears down my face.
My watery eye 🙁
Me moaning on the night of “the incident”
My eye doctor was able to see me first thing the next morning and gave me more antibiotic gel. So yea… for about 1.5 days, it was almost impossible to open my eye. Luckily, all is healing well, and I don’t look like a cyclops anymore. However, I do have this awesome M-shaped scratch in the middle of my cornea. Wee!
The day after…disregard my messy kitchen.
It has been cleaned since then.

My favorite part of this story is how both the lady at Rite Aid and the nurse at the eye doctor’s office both looked at my file and said, “Happy Birthday!!” Hahaha! For some reason, this makes me laugh :).

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