37 Weeks and 4 Days

Well, sleep is getting difficult. Twice this week I woke up waaaay before my alarm went off and couldn’t get back to sleep at all. My mind just goes crazy with weird thoughts. I am not actively worrying or thinking about something, but as soon as I fall asleep, my mind decides to fixate on something. Anything really. If I watched it on TV before bed, I dream about it.

This week’s doctor appointment was pretty uneventful, which is a good thing, I guess. The baby’s heartbeat was 138 (normal). I didn’t gain any weight this week, but I honestly think it’s because my stomach feels more squished this week. The doctor asked me if I was having any symptoms or complaints this week, and I told her, “No, it’s been a pretty bland week for pregnancy.” She thought this was really funny. *shrug*

This week has been an abusive week for my hips though. It feels like she is pummeling me from the inside. I would swear sometimes she is trying to punch her way out.

I have also noticed an increase in my fatigue. I get exhausted sooo easily. If I get up and walk into another room, I feel like I carried a 200 pound man on my back. Needless to say, I have been spending an increasing amount of time on the couch. My heart beats a million beats a minute from just sitting. It’s crazy!

Hiccups are still happening daily. Also, I think my child is part golden retriever. Every so often I feel this spastic shaking inside my stomach, and it feels like the movement a dog makes when they scratch their ear really fast. Sometimes I think it’s the dog on the couch or on the bed, but then I realize it’s coming from inside my body. I have no idea what’s going on in there.

We got new carpet! It is so nice and soft…and hopefully not as much of a dog hair magnet as the crappy carpet we had before. Bonus: this carpet is not 20 years old AND is not green, so these are giant pluses.

We went to a parenting class this week, and it was pretty useful. A pediatrician was there, and she answered all of the questions everyone had. We also got a fancy poster of baby poop. Peter couldn’t look at it. Ha.

I was talking to a friend today on Facebook. We are both actually due on December 23rd, so it’s nice to compare stories. I can’t tell you how hilarious and comforting it is to hear that someone else doesn’t realize they have crumbs and stains on their clothes. These boobs…they hide the view of all the junk that lands on the belly.

I’ve been trying to wrap all of the Christmas gifts this week. It has been slow going, since I get tired after wrapping 4 gifts. Wrapping involves lots of leaning and stretching. Tough stuff!

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