Holiday Parties

This year the holidays are kind of a crapshoot. We’re not really sure what is going to happen, so we’ve been taking every opportunity to have holiday celebrations.

Since I am not sure if I will be pushing out a baby for Christmas, my mom and I took my grandmom out to holiday tea. I had to work Friday, so we squeezed a quick tea luncheon in. I had a delicious lobster bisque and egg salad sandwich. Yum!

Blurry but what a gut shot!
37 weeks and 5 days

This weekend Peter decided to invite some people over (very spontaneously) for a holiday party. I love Christmas parties so much. I seriously look forward to them all year long. I think it’s so fun to get to the end of the year and have something fun to dress up for, eat yummy food, and have a great time with people. Our work party falls the day before our due date though, so we pretty much are thinking it’s a “no.”

We had a good showing for a last minute get-together, played games, ate food, and laughed a bunch. Perfect! 
And today, Peter and my coworkers had a nice little surprise Christmas luncheon/baby shower for us. It was so nice and so unexpected! Everyone bought us a Christmas book and wrote a little message. Our child will be well-read :). Here are some of the awesome books we got:

Thanks to everyone! We had a great time over the past few days. This rest of this week is now all about getting work done at work, seeing what happens at the ultrasound & physical appointment on Thursday, and getting a new freezer, so we can stock up on easy-to-make food before the baby comes.

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