Belly Pics – 39 weeks and 5 days

We went to the doctor yesterday, and she said I am not dilated at all, but the baby’s head is in position. So basically, we are just waiting on me now! She suggested going for a lot of walks, but it is tough with the pelvic pain that I have been having. I am trying though!

39 weeks and 5 days
The past few days the pressure on my bladder has been ridiculous! I feel like there is a person doing break dancing head spins on it. Not even kidding. My stomach looks like it is having a tsunami; there is some crazy action going on. Pretty much the only positions that are comfortable are sitting on my yoga ball and laying in bed on my side. Getting up from those positions is another story :). 
Since the doctor pretty much told us that she doesn’t expect a baby before Christmas (although she reminds us that she could be wrong), we are getting ready for the holidays as normal. I probably won’t be moving around town much though, which is fine by me.
I am kind of excited that it is Friday. Now I can start my “Christmas Break,” however long I might get….
I have been loving the Lifetime Channel app for my iPad and the Netflix app. I can watch Hallmark, sappy Christmas movies in bed in the middle of the night when I wake up and can’t get back to sleep. 
I am still having some sappiness this week. It seems to have trailed over from last week. I was discouraged/frustrated at the doctor’s office this week, so I cried. I felt bad for the doctor because it was not her fault at all. I guess a few weeks of emotional craziness at the end of 9 months isn’t that bad. 

2 Replies to “Belly Pics – 39 weeks and 5 days”

  1. It was really hard for me too… Those last few visits to the doc when you really really really hope things have finally started moving forward. I am sure they are used to it though. They deal with us all the time 🙂

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