Baby #2

On March 13, Peter and I found out that we are expecting Franza baby #2.

When I was pregnant with Emma, I started having ptyalism (lots of saliva) in about the 6th week. At first it was just annoying, but then it would start to make my stomach upset.

In week 4 this time around, I mentioned to Peter about how “spitty” I felt, but I figured it was just a salivary gland that was acting goofy. I was pretty sure my period was coming on Friday, and I was starting to get excited about having a delicious, homemade beer. He made a lighter, wheat beer specifically for me, and I was going to reward myself with a nice glass of beer after the crazy work week I had. I’m not a big beer drinker so this was an odd request, I’m sure.

I felt really PMS-y, and Peter even commented that I was really moody. Friday passed, nothing. So no beer for me. Saturday passed, nothing. Again, no beer. On Sunday before church I took a pregnancy test and was shocked when I saw a light line. “Peter, come tell me if you see what I think I see,” was about the same thing that I said to Peter 4 years ago when I had a positive pregnancy test with Emma.

Sure enough, a line. We were kind of shocked–probably more me than Peter as usual. It wasn’t a surprise by any means, but it is still crazy when you see a line appear!

Because I assumed it would take a while, I had purchased a pack of little pregnancy test strips off Amazon for like 4 bucks. So now I had 14 extra little strips. Naturally I took a test every day for a while and watched the line get darker each day. When a dark line appears, it makes you want to walk out of the bathroom and do a mic drop. Bam! Passed THAT test.

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I had been to the doctor a month before for my annual checkup, and my doctor told me everything was looking fine and dandy regarding my health. I think she was a little surprised to see me back in her office a month later. Here is the first picture of the “monkey in a hole” as Meem would say:


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