My Good Ol’ Buddy, Morning Sickness

Since I had pret-ty bad morning sickness with Emma, I expected for this old friend to rear it’s ugly head again this time…only, I was expecting it around week 6.5 again,  not week 5.5 like it actually did.

Peter and I went out for Japanese food, and in the middle of our vegetable sushi dishes, I could not look at the sushi anymore. Just the thought of looking at it was enough to make me feel sick.

My doctor had given me some nausea medicine proactively, but she had explained that the “Cadillac” of morning sickness medicines was no longer available until week 12 of pregnancy–Zofran. I tell you what; I missed my friend, Zofran a lot. The new medicine she gave me was called Diclegis, which is a mix of vitamin B6 and a sleeping aid (Unisom). All it did was make me super tired and talk in my sleep like a maniac.

During my 6 week doctor appointment, Peter mentioned to the doctor that I was not responding well to the medicine. I pretty much was sick all the same, making me super sad. She changed my medicine to Phenergan, which was a billion times better but still lots of sleepiness. I also talked in a my sleep a lot but not as much. The Phenergan made my stomach mostly tolerable, but I wasn’t allowed to operate heavy machinery aka drive while taking it. Peter was a wonderful husband and drove me to work each day and picked me up. I still had to have cinnamon gum, lollipops, bags in my purse/car for random vomiting, and snacks everywhere just in case.

At week 12, my doctor switched me over to Zofran, and it was amazing. YAY, ZOFRAN! Except for one side effect, but I won’t get into that here. For some reason, the nausea is still peeking through pretty strong at certain points during the day, but I haven’t thrown up since week 12 or so. I’ll consider that a win.

We also got a better picture at that visit so I’ll add it here to spice up this blog entry a bit.



For anyone who is curious, yes, smells make me sick–particularly the smell of men (my husband included), coffee, dirty dishes in the sink, pull-ups, dog food, air freshener, and so much more!


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