She’s Gonna Be a Big Sister!

Sometime around May, Emma started coming home from daycare and telling us about kids at school who were going to be big brothers or big sisters. And being a three year old, Emma started trying out these claims for herself to see what they felt like…which really confused our family. Peter and I had decided to wait for a while to tell Emma about becoming a big sister. I think the goal was to wait until my stomach felt a lot better first, but this kid was just so darn excited.

One day, Peter’s mom came home and asked us if we had told Emma already. Apparently Emma greeted Gramma at the door of daycare saying, “I’m gonna be a big sister!” True, but we had never actually told her that yet.

So we decided to sit her down and tell her before someone else did by accident. She was very excited, and we even did a walk through the house to see where a new baby would be able to sleep. Luckily, Dad had the good idea to put the baby in the extra bedroom where Emma’s old crib was.


We took a couple pictures of her in her new Big Sister shirt, and she proudly went to school the next day and told everyone that Mommy was having triplets…WHAT?!

Yes, so I had to respond to many shocked daycare workers when I walked through the door and asked me, “IS IT TRUE??!!?” I almost spit out an imaginary drink when they followed their question with “Are you pregnant with triplets?!”  Haha. NO! It is NOT true.

Only one Franza baby in there, folks. Emma is positive that it’s a brother named Harry. We have had to tell her that it may not be a boy and that we don’t know right now. She responds with “Oh, ok. But he will be my brother.”

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