Week 28 Belly Pic

This week marks the start of the third trimester. Feeling kind of large this week. Starting to get a little paranoid that someone is going to ask when the baby is due and then say, “OH MY GOSH? YOU STILL HAVE THREE MONTHS TO GO?”


Peter and I went to the doctor last week for the glucose test. Once again, I opted for fruit punch because it pretty much tastes like Hawaiian Punch. They took some blood, did some tests for vitamin D levels, iron, and diabetes. Hopefully all tests come back normal. I don’t mind having to take a little extra iron if needed. I know I had to do that with baby #1 so that’s expected.

I think I felt some hiccups yesterday. I have occasionally been feeling a rhythmic “thump, thump, thump” feeling, but because it’s so light I didn’t associate the feeling with hiccups until yesterday.

This weekend we sorted about 13 boxes of infant/toddler clothes so we can see the baby’s bedroom floor again. It’s so much better walking by a bedroom that doesn’t look like a mess.

Peter made a nice shelf last week from scratch and painted it white. He installed it this weekend. I will have to post some pictures of it up on the wall. It’s looks really nice.




More things to come. Maybe that’s what I’ll do when I have pregnancy insomnia at 4:30am one of these mornings.

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