Week 30 Belly Pic

Emma wanted to be a part of the belly picture today. Technically, Saturdays are my “new week” day, but I usually don’t get to take a picture until later (or if I remember early on Friday before leaving for work). Lily even got in on the belly poking fun.



This week has been a little crazy. I’m starting to get easily worn out. Lennon ate Emma’s pancakes this weekend, and when after yelling at the dog, I felt like I needed to sit down and catch my breath. Some days my stomach just feels so heavy and hard. I don’t remember feeling like this with Emma until the 9th month so it’s a little daunting to think of 10 more weeks.

I have been washing and folding baby clothes to start organizing them into the dresser.

Next week, I will have to go to the doctor’s office more frequently since it’s the 3rd trimester. I don’t recall when it’s every week, but I know she said it’s coming soon.

Sleep has not been easy lately. I have been waking up around 4:30am and not being able to go back to sleep for an hour or two. Then suddenly, a wave of exhaustion hits…and it’s time to go work.

Baby has moved slightly under my ribs and started getting the hiccups about 1.5 weeks ago. I forgot what they felt like until I realized the movement I was feeling was too consistent and rhythmic to be kicking. This baby has lots of hiccups just like Emma did.

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