Week 37 Belly Pic


We went to the doctor on Monday, and everything looks good so far! No weight gain this week (kind of hard to eat a lot at this stage in the game). Baby’s heartrate was 157, and she was very wiggly. I get the impression she does not like the little doppler heart rate monitor.

I asked the doctor a million questions about labor with the the second baby because everyone keeps saying you deliver faster the second time around. I am terrified of not having the opportunity to get an epidural. I don’t care what people out there say about natural birth, blah blah blah. I have a pretty high pain tolerance (so many doctors have told me), and I would like to skip a little bit of birthing pain if at all possible. Haven’t we, as women, suffered enough over our lifetimes with morning sickness, cramps, migraines, not being able to take medicine during pregnancy, etc.? I’m ok with a little break here and there ;).

The doctor has an ultrasound scheduled for next week (on my birthday!) to see how big Baby Franza is and to make sure everything looks ok.

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