Week 38 Appointment

On Monday, November 14th (my birthday), we had the 38th week doctor appointment accompanied by an ultrasound to see how big Baby Franza is. I was hoping we might get some good shots of her face and head, but apparently she is “in position,” face down, head down already–which is great for labor, bad for pictures. One good thing we saw was that Baby Franza is still predicted to be a girl so hopefully no surprises there! 😉

The readings on the ultrasound screen seemed to read between 36 and 38 weeks for various measurements. It looks like she will be between 6.5-7.5 pounds, which is perfectly normal. Yay! Emma was 7 lbs. 1 ounce so I am ok with those measurements!

Also, she has hair, a thumb, a thigh bone, a good looking heart with a strong heartbeat, and a cute little spine. We didn’t get to see any face at all, but these are the random parts we did get to see :).

Still a girl


The white marks that are streaky are hair.


Spine, heart, and heartbeat

The doctor asked me if I would like to have a physical portion of the visit, which is the first time (and last time) in my life I’ve ever opted for a physical exam at the gyno. She said I’m about 1.5 cm dilated, and I have not dropped yet.

For my birthday, we went over to my parents’ house for make-your-own taco night with some birthday ice cream cake and brownies. Yum :).

Emma sings Happy Birthday to me!
This picture is just too funny to not include.

In other news, I got a few hiccups on camera. I think hiccups are one of the things I will miss about pregnancy. They are pretty benign, don’t hurt, and it’s cute to know those little bumps are hiccups.

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