31 weeks…lots to recap!

I’ll begin with a belly pic to get this out of the way :).

31 weeks and 5 days

This week has been filled with cleaning, writing thank you notes, putting new baby items away, and building furniture — ok, maybe Peter did all the furniture building.

Pile of Gifts 
More Gifts
Dresser Assembly
Crib Assembly
What Lennon did while I folded laundry…

Also, last weekend we went to the 2012 Wine Festival. I think everyone had a great time. We brought crackers, grapes, and cheese galore. I was obviously the DD, but it was nice to get out of the house and be among so many friends! The weather was gorgeous and couldn’t have been better for a wine festival. 
The Wine Tasters

Baby Shower

Apparently Peter was in on the surprise this past weekend…
We got a phone call on Saturday from Peter’s mom telling us that she needed someone to come jump her car at church. We hopped in the car and drove over to meet her. Peter told me to get out and go find her inside the building, and I was thinking, “Oh my goodness…I’ve complained about how my hips hurt so bad all day, and now you want me to search the building?” 
I waddled my way to the door and noticed about 10 heads bobbing around inside, and then the lights went out. This made me laugh out loud because I knew what was happening at this point. There looked to be about 20-30 people, but it was hard to see them over the mountain of gifts! What an awesome group of family and friends we have! 
I really liked that Peter was able to be there for all of the fun. I sometimes feel bad, because everyone asks me how I am feeling and how I am doing, so it was nice to have Peter be a part of the attention. He got to socialize with family and friends, eat like a horse, and open baby gifts like a pro. He even participated in the wear-a-hat-out-of-ribbons tradition. What a good sport!

When we got home, it was slightly overwhelming to see everything in our dining room. Our dogs were going crazy sniffing inside each bag. Lennon quickly found the toys and made sure to pull them out of every bag she could find. We actually had to build the playpen so we would have a place to put all of the bags for safe-keeping.
Peter was excited that he got all of the tech-savvy things he put on the registry. He immediately went to town building things and playing with the technology.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of this special day for us! We had a great time and are looking forward to getting the baby’s room in order.

Rachel’s Bridal Shower

My future sister-in-law’s bridal shower was today, so everyone was running around like crazy trying to get things in order. There was TONS of food (as usual), cute decorations, wonderful guests, and lots of laughter.  I hope Rachel had a good time and enjoyed herself. Here are some of the details of the day: