Baby’s Room

We have finally put all of the pictures up on the walls, hooked up the baby monitor, washed all the bedding, and gotten the baby’s room into the best shape it will ever be in. Then we took pictures to prove that, once upon a time, her room was clean and organized.

A panoramic view of the room
Emma, my helper, who has decided that the chair is her place in the room.
Changing table/dresser, white shelf (built by Peter), and assortment of foxes
Peter tried to help keep Emma out of all of the shots, but this one was just too cute not to capture!
Owl night light (perfect for in 2am feedings), sound machine to keep dog noise muffled, and a wonderful humidifier. Also, many bins from Target to help organize all of the baby stuff.
A closet filled with hand-me-downs, wipes, and diapers (YAY!)

Week 28 Belly Pic

This week marks the start of the third trimester. Feeling kind of large this week. Starting to get a little paranoid that someone is going to ask when the baby is due and then say, “OH MY GOSH? YOU STILL HAVE THREE MONTHS TO GO?”


Peter and I went to the doctor last week for the glucose test. Once again, I opted for fruit punch because it pretty much tastes like Hawaiian Punch. They took some blood, did some tests for vitamin D levels, iron, and diabetes. Hopefully all tests come back normal. I don’t mind having to take a little extra iron if needed. I know I had to do that with baby #1 so that’s expected.

I think I felt some hiccups yesterday. I have occasionally been feeling a rhythmic “thump, thump, thump” feeling, but because it’s so light I didn’t associate the feeling with hiccups until yesterday.

This weekend we sorted about 13 boxes of infant/toddler clothes so we can see the baby’s bedroom floor again. It’s so much better walking by a bedroom that doesn’t look like a mess.

Peter made a nice shelf last week from scratch and painted it white. He installed it this weekend. I will have to post some pictures of it up on the wall. It’s looks really nice.




More things to come. Maybe that’s what I’ll do when I have pregnancy insomnia at 4:30am one of these mornings.

A Baby Room

If you asked me what I’m most excited about right now, I’d probably tell you decorating a room. There is something so fun about taking a room that you were never really happy with and making it your own. Or someone else’s own.

Our spare bedroom has always been intended for child #2. For the longest while, we just kept the door shut because it was this hideous dark blue/dark gray color, and the previous owners had this lovely habit of painting the ceiling the same color as the wall.

Once Emma got a “big girl bed” for Christmas this last year, we moved her baby furniture into the spare bedroom. It was funny to see it look like the beginning of a real room, but it still wasn’t right. It just felt like a dark cave with a crib in it.


You can see it in the real estate picture above. It looked good enough for buying a house, but obviously this is not in my color palette.

As soon as we heard that the baby was probably a girl, I was excited to start painting. Now, if you know me, it really doesn’t matter what gender my child is; I’m probably going to paint the room a neutral gray/beige or light aqua blue. Because that’s what I do.

I decided to go a bit out of my normal and pick a minty color. Yes, I know. CRAZY. 😉 It may look bluer depending on the monitor setting, but it’s got a slight minty feel to it.


Peter was very quick to run out to Lowe’s, buy paint, and start getting rid of that dark cave. It took him four coats of white paint, but the cave is gone forever! He also added a nice ceiling fan.

IMG_20160710_104832 IMG_20160710_104841


This room below was kind of my inspiration for the baby’s room. I loved how colorful it was.



I found an adorable banner at Babies R Us and decided to buy it. I figured if the baby ended up being a boy, I’d just return the banner. It has a similar blue-ish color, some coral, green, and brown. This was perfect because a lot of Emma’s crib sheets and hand-me-down bedding stuff is in this color scheme as well.


For the walls, I created some custom art in Photoshop and printed them. These colors pretty much give me the option of adding any color to the room, and it will fit in. The middle picture is a song that I sing to Emma at night before bed, and she absolutely loves it so it seemed appropriate to welcome baby #2 with this song as well.

123 ABC

I am hoping to get one or two crib sheets to add to the mix, but other than that, we really don’t need one of those big, fancy bedding sets. I realized just how little we used most of the stuff inside the bedding set for a year. You’re only allowed to put a sheet on the bed so all of the other bedding doesn’t really get used until the baby is at least one year old.

bed bed2

I also got four really cute organization bins from Target in the dollar section. They were $3 a piece and are pretty nice quality. I will post more pictures as I start to clean up the room. Right now, there are about 9 million bags of baby girl clothes that I have to sort through and organize.


This is what I made today out of boredom. I have a fancy writing tablet for my computer, and this gave me a chance to play around with it.

Evercare Pet Hair Sweeper Review

We adopted Lennon, the Australian Cattle Dog mix, because we wanted a pup, and she was just too adorable. White and brown hair, white stripe down the nose, white socks, 2 different-colored eyes, peed out of excitement when they put her in the little room with us. She didn’t move from the puppy fetal position for about 20 minutes, but then eventually she crawled into my lap. I was sold.
Lennon needed a friend, and I have always been a “everyone needs a friend” kind of person. We found a newspaper ad that said someone was selling a litter a black lab mix puppies. On our trip to the seller’s house, we soon realized we just had to adopt a puppy from them, because leaving a dog there would just be cruel. They were drunken, sloppy people who were amused by feeding the puppies beer and screaming at them. The puppies were all well-behaved and cute, and Peter really seemed to fall in love with Lily, her one white foot, and her whiny nature. 
Now that you know the background, you can see that it never occurred to us that having 2 dogs with different -colored fur would be a problem…until about a day later when the light tiled floor was covered in black hair and the dark wooden floor was covered in white and tan hair. And since then, our floor, clothes, couches, car interior, etc. are all covered in hair of one color or another. Lennon’s hair is the worst–it is like little needles that are impervious to vacuum cleaners or lint brushes.
Just as an example, here was my dark brown carpet with Lennon’s white hair before.
Today I decided I would try one more thing–the Evercare Pet Hair Sweeper–and I am seriously glad I spent the $7.99. It cleans the black and white hair up sooo well! I cleaned my sofa, the front seats in the car, my ottomans, my coat! 

After a swipe of the Sweeper, here is the carpet after. Yahoo!

Yay, now I don’t have to look like the only person in a business meeting with a suit covered in dog hair!