Olympic Blog Recap

I’m not actually going to comment on the Olympics, but this is rather a comment on all things going on since the last time I blogged. It’s a big event.

These past few weeks have been filled with sore backs from crappy beds, tons of work for my job, lots of school work for my Masters, napping because of crappy sleep in a crappy bed the night before, and dogs peeing on the floor.

The good thing? Things are a’changin’. Luckily work is at its peak, so it will calm down soon enough. A new bed was delivered, so sleep is betterish (I’m in desperate need of a chiropractor visit to put me back in shape). I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the Masters degree, and the dog has a crate now! I think the best part so far, besides the bed, is the dog crate. We got a nice big one for Lennon, so she has a lot of room to spin around in circles until she decides to finally lay down. She seems to like it so far. We’re trying to associate the cage with fun stuff, and Lily is wanting to be crated now, too. She’s always sneaking in there–it’s kind of cute.

Other than that, I’m enjoying the relaxation time. So for no other reason at all than to post pictures, here are some pictures. They don’t have anything to do with anything.

The Only Snow of 2010

For some reason unknown to me, it actually snowed in southeastern Virginia. This never happens. Occasionally, we get some flurries, and the lame city closes down because of the threat of wintry weather. Our area has about 2 snow plows and a bag of salt–living by the beach, we don’t normally get anything other than cold rain in the winter, so this makes sense.
The meteorologists had been talking about this “huge” snowstorm that would definitely hit our area by Friday/Saturday of last weekend. Normally, this involves telling the viewing area about a possibility of snow, closing down the schools, and then nothing happens. Totally not cool, considering there are no snow days built into the public school calendars down here, which means make-up days.
But like I said, somehow it actually snowed about 8″ in our area. Some places got a foot, some got 4 inches. Not a blizzard by any means, but people down here sure act like the world is ending–except when it comes to driving. You would be amazed at the number of people who want to drive when roads are icy. We ended up getting about 2 inches of very dense ice covering all of the secondary roads and neighborhood streets, which is why schools are closed today. It is very dangerous in some spots, but you wouldn’t be able to tell this when you see people driving 45mph on black ice, even roads where the ice is clearly present. Maybe this is my northern cynicism, but c’mon, people. Really?
Anywho, Peter and I laid around all weekend and relaxed, since everything was closed. Our dogs were super excited to have us around the house. Lennon absolutely adores anything Peter does, and she was very content to have him pet her all day.
We tried to take the dogs for a little snow walk, and Lennon was so excited, she couldn’t stay still long enough for me to take a good picture. I continuously took about 20 pictures of her, and this was the unblurriest one I could get. She really likes to hold the leash when you mention the world, “walk,” to her. And the noises she makes. You would think she won the lottery. Or whatever dogs would win if they played such things?
Here are some pictures of our snow dogs. Lily obviously loves the snow. By the end of the day, you can see that Lily is exhausted, as she collapsed on Peter’s leg with her tongue hanging out. 🙂 Silly pup.

Pre-Bachelor Activities

I’ve decided that I’m going to watch The Bachelor this season. Not because I have some great desire to do so, but because it’s a long show to which I can exercise on my rowing machine. That’s what I’ll be doing tonight come 8:00. I saw a preview of tonight’s show that said one of the contestants was pregnant. Whaaaaa?

Amanda, Melissa, and I went to one of the pottery places a few weeks ago and painted cute things. Amanda and I picked cupcakes. I made mine (right) teal, aqua, green, and brown–your basic Target color palette. It’s great, because I’ve been looking for a little sugar dish for the kitchen. I love those pottery places, but geez, they get expensive. Amanda’s cupcake (left) is adorable and resembles a funfetti cupcake. I want to keep them both :).

I have to say…I’m really enjoying that my friends and friends’ friends are blogging. It kind of gets me back into that blogging spirit. I used to do it all the time and really enjoy that connected feeling when people you don’t know stop by to say hello. I guess it’s also flattering when someone you don’t know takes the time to read what you’ve written. What a great compliment! I’m really enjoying Amanda S.’s blog (see links on the side). She talks about her home renovations, and they are really fun to follow.

I have a new phone. Did I tell you? It’s an HTC Droid Eris. So fun! I enjoy playing stupid games and using Google Talk when I’m waiting in a doctor’s office or for a meeting to begin. I wouldn’t die if someone said I couldn’t have my fancy phone, but I must say that I am enjoying it. I’m such a nerd, too. I hear there is an update to the Android 2.0 software soon! I’ll keep you posted :oP.

His Name Was Wha’?

I’ve decided to invest in a humidifier for my sinus headaches. This crazy cold weather is making my head all congested, and a humidifier is heavenly in times like this. Peter laughed at me, because I sat at the table with a towel on my head whilst I humidified. I may look stupid sitting like that, but it helps with the headaches. Hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Work this week seems like it’s going to be plentiful yet not helpful. Lots of work, little of it that will actually help me a lot. I have to meet with Best Buy to schedule a Job Shadow program for high school students and give several presentations to a local credit card company to try to recruit volunteers for local elementary schools. Normally this sounds fun, I am in super need of volunteers in other areas–not these 2 things. I know every little bit of getting the name out there will help my company with volunteers and the students’ programs, but it’s always funny how the things with deadlines come during times of work-a-plenty.

This weekend we went to see a Norfolk Admirals hockey game. That’s right–AHL. What does that mean? Bad greasy food and lots of punching. Oh, and a guy with a cool last name. Matt & I spent the whole night trying to get a clean photo shot of this guy’s jersey. Every time this guy came around and stood still, my phone camera took years to focus. It took a while, but it was worth it. Number 44, this is for you.

Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, Off to the Gym I Go?

It is freezing today. Or at least it feels that way. It is 36 degrees and windy–especially when there are no windows in your house, only holes that lead outside. Yesterday, we got a call that informed us that our windows are finally ready to be installed. While the guys are installing them, we’ve turned the heat off, since it would literally be going out the window.

Let me tell you what. Bayoooteeful! We have nice, white windows now with little grids on the front ones. Apparently the 20 year old windows we had before basically fell out during installation because of the rotten wood. Yay for new wood!

I’ll take a picture of a window sometime soon and post for all to see. And for those who don’t care about new windows, it’s probably because you don’t own a house. You wouldn’t understand the joy yet.


A Girl’s Best Friend

When you hit your 20’s, something terrible starts to happen to your body–indigestion. You hear about indigestion when you’re little, and you just think, “Must be something that happens to old people.” Well, I guess I’m official “old” at age 26. It started around age 24ish and reminds me that peppers might taste good going down, but then I’m going to have to taste them all night long coming up. Bleh. That’s pretty much the noise I make everytime I burp after a meal now. So, folks, keep a spare TUMS in your desk at work, in your car, or in your pocketbooks, because apparently old age doesn’t care where you are when it strikes.

A New Outfit

I spent some of today searching for a new look for my blog. Maybe a new look will help get me back in the swing of things.

Work starts back tomorrow, and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my vacation, so it will be hard to wake up at 6:30am again. I’ve pretty much been staying up ’til about 2am every night and waking up at 11, which is so late for me since I’ve come into adulthood. This week, Super Mario Bros. for Wii has been taking up a lot of our time. Peter and I have been playing like crazy, trying to collect coins for the secret levels. It’s a fun game, but a week of Nintendo is starting to get old. The Nintendo part, not the week of relaxing.

My graduate classes start back up on January 19th, so a part of me still feels like it’s on vacation until then. It will be so nice to come home from work for a few weeks and not have any textbook reading to do! I’ve actually gotten 2 books for enjoyment. I’m currently reading the new Ghost Hunters’ book, but a brain fart is keeping me from remembering the whole title of it at the moment. It’s an interesting read. I love watching ghost shows and reading about hauntings and paranormal activity. I don’t scare easily from watching the shows. Recently, a group of friends and I went to see Paranormal Activity, and I thought it was kind of funny. Granted, if I saw these things in real life, I’d pee my pants. Keep that in mind :).

I got a new phone recently–an HTC Droid Eris. I’ve never had a High Maintenance phone before. H.M. meaning a phone that searches the internet and triples your bill because of this feature. It has a Google Talk feature (chat), which I am really enjoying.

Time to socialize!

Happy 2010!

So I really need to get back into blogging again. I enjoyed it and blogged from my sophomore year in college 2002 to about 2007ish. I had a good time reading about other people’s days, and it was fun to type about my own–then my friends and family don’t have to hear about some of the lame things that happen to me each day. You know what I’m talking about. That trip to the grocery store when you ran into the glass door and the security guard shared a laugh with you. Yea, husbands don’t need to hear those stories all the time.

Goals for the New Year:

1. Listen more.
2. Be healthier.
3. Post more blogs and/or take more pictures.

I think these are doable goals.

Story for the New Year
I decide to call my parents at 12:01am to wish them a Happy New Year, and my phone number is similar to 555-0001. In the midst of dialing and chatting with friends while I dialed, I forgot how many times I pressed 0 already. I assumed it was only twice, so then I finished with 01. Ring, ring, “Hello?” “Happy New Year!” I said as the voice on the other end sounds giggly and said, “Happy New Year to you, too!” I proceeded to ask what she was up to, who was over, what they were doing tonight, and asked, “You sound silly tonight. Have you been drinking? Are Burt and Donna over?” The lady starts laughing and says, “No… it’s Stephen and Amy.” Then I realized that I may have dialed 0000 by mistake. The woman confirmed my mistake, and we laughed hysterically about the situation over the phone. We wished each other a Happy New Year, and then I’m sure we both ran to our friends to fill them in on the other half of the phone conversation that they didn’t hear.

It was a great way to start 2010! A phone call to a stranger that makes you mutually laugh with each other.