My puppy, Lily. She looks all grown up now.

I almost forgot how beautiful you are.

Best compliment I’ve heard for a long time. Don’t know how to take compliments very well, but I’m trying.

My younger brother, Jerry, graduated from high school tonight. We had a big shindig at Meem and Peep’s house, so he could open his graduation gifts. After that, we went to Applebee’s for some deliciousness. I have to say that even though there were 498 graduates, the 1.5 hr graduation was nice and short. The past 3 college graduations that I’ve attended really make me HATE long ceremonies. Short speeches. Short graduations. Short weddings. Soooounds good to me.

I’ll be posting pics sometime soon. I have to resize them all and delete the crappy ones that I took. Oh, and believe me, I took some bad ones. I literally spent the whole time [while the other 497 names were being called] taking goofy pictures. This should be fun.

Let’s see how many bad pictures we can take of Lauren and Peter.

The running joke is that everytime Peter and I take a picture together, one of us is making a stupid face. I literally take 30 pictures at a time sometimes, and there is something wrong with every single picture. It’s crazy. I will be amazed if we ever take a picture together in which we both smile, have our eyes open, and aren’t making a stupid face. Anywho, these pics are from our half-a-day trip to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. First, we decided to drive up to Richmond for Heather’s graduation party for a few hours, and then on the way back we would head to the Gardens for a few hours of fun. At the age of 22, I finally realize why my parents would never go on the roller coasters with me when I was 10. My stomach just isn’t what it used to be. I used to be the teacup champion. I could spin the crap out of that cup and make the people on it puke. Now after each ride, I go to one of those little Pet Shenanigan shows or Irish Dancing shows, so I can have time to regroup before the next roller coaster. So lame.

On the way to Heather’s graduation party, we passed the Po’ White Parkway.

Aww.. my favorite classroom in high school.

The Office

What an awesome celebrity Jenna Fischer (Pam on The Office) is 🙂

Reminder: trip to Russia