Looking for a house in Chesapeake, VA?

My high school choir director has been trying to sell his house for over a month now. He was just offered a job teaching at a college in NC and needs to sell his house ASAP. If you know anyone who is looking to buy, show them this link. Hey, it couldn’t hurt.

Some artsy photos by moi. If you look closely, the balls are in the wrong order.

Welcome Back, Lauren!

I have absolutely no idea where I left off. I mean since the last time I really blogged about anything. When I think about it, nothing of worth comes to mind that I should write about, but I will type anyway.

I’ve been substitute teaching a lot. There are some days when I feel like, “Wow! That was such a great experience!” and then there are some days when I think, “Hoooooly crap. What am I getting myself into?” I know everyone has days like that, so I’m not too worried about it. Plus, crappy days are a good way to learn how to NOT have crappy days again.

June 7th is my last subbing day though :(. I’m kinda sad about it. I start working for the Registrar and for Financial Aid at the local college again on the 8th. It’s good, because I will at least have predictable income, so I can pay for my newly used car. I need to put some pics up of it. Remind me later.

Lily (the puppy) has recently been spayed. She stayed at my house for aboue 3.5 days to relax and heal a bit before she went home with her oh-so-hyper playmate, Lennon. On the day of her procedure, Peter brought her over. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. She just wanted to lie on the floor making whiny noises, and her eyes were tearing all night. Poor babe. Unfortunately, Lily’s wound became infected, and she had to be majorly drugged for the past few days. She JUST got her stitches out and is a very happy pup now.

My parents won’t turn on the air conditioner or open the pool, even though it’s been about 85+ degrees for the past week. I’m dying here!! I keep making trips to Wal-mart, so I can sit in my car’s and Wal-mart’s A/C.

I got a new toothbrush. That’s exciting!

Peter and I had our 6 year (aka old people) anniversary on May 21st. I decorated his pool table room with pictures by Lauren, a ridiculously huge clock, and a nude picture of George Costanza. Peter gave me a tripod, a 1 GB memory card for my camera, and a kayak! We’ve gone kayaking twice since then. Let me just say that I am no extreme-sportslady. Or is it X-treme? The first day was so windy that when I tried to paddle forward, I was blown backward by the gusts. Peter was speeding ahead, so when he turned around, I just told him to go on without me. He laughed at my puny arm muscles. I’m so pathetic.

We also got season tickets to Busch Gardens, so I am excited 🙂

Ok. This is enough updating for me right now. Ciao!


Hello, blog readers. I have been in a blog-rut lately. I just don’t feel like writing anything. Because of my mood, I’ve decided to post some pics to show what’s been going on lately.

Sam and Jerry

Jerry and Sam before Prom

I really need to update this junk.

Happy Birthday to Brittany, who turned 23 on May 15th!

I got a new car. Pics to come.