So maybe I will actually do a better job blogging this year. I used to blog all the time in college, then life got in the way. You graduate, get a job, get married, and then you are busy, busy, busy! Here’s to trying to make more time for hobbies this year!

Crazy Weather

This week we had a mini tornado thing pass through out area. I was sitting up on the 3rd floor trying to get something done, and I noticed that our screen just flew off our new window. I thought, “Ugh, these are new windows,” so I ran outside to try to find the screen. My neighbor, A, saw me outside and told me I was insane, because apparently there was a tornado warning for our area.

Seriously some crazy stuff. Things were flying straight up into the air. The wind eventually knocked down a part of our backyard fence, and it also killed my patio table and umbrella set :(. I was so excited to get that set a few years ago. I am kinda bummed to see it go. Those things are expensive!!

Luckily this weekend is Memorial Weekend, so that will give us lots of time to cleanup all of the glass from the table, maybe put up a new section of fence, clean the spare bedroom…ok, seriously, the list could go on. Or maybe we will just relax. We’ll see :).

iPad Day!

Dear Bloggy Blog,

I am typing to you on my new iPad 2. I’ve been searching for an app that lets me post to blogger, and this is the first I’ve found that is free. You’d think blogger would have an app, but, alas, they do not.

The features on the blogger.com website don’t all work in Safari, so app is really the way to go. This app is called Monarch, and this is the first time I’ve used it, so well see how it goes.

I’ve already noticed that my post has exceeded the space on the screen, so I can no longer see what I am typing, because the screen doesn’t scroll in this app.

Hair and Seek

Every couple months P & I get brave and decide to sweep under the living room sofa. Besides 10 pounds of dog hair, loose leaf paper (I have no idea…), and dust, we found some interesting things.  I’d have to say the best things we found were: old painted pictures, my pair of shoes that I thought I lost, dog bones and toys, and a box of Captain Crunch Oops! All Berries. You’d better believe I was pretty sad to see that my box of All Berries was hidden underneath the sofa, opened, and stale. The dogs did enjoy the Berries though :).

Looks Like Somebody’s Got a Case of the Wednesdays

Being the “Computer Literate” person at my office, I often have to fix the computer problems. Sometimes this means I do it on my own, sometimes I must research the problem first, and sometimes I just have to call my computer software engineer husband. 
I thought it might be good to get to the office early today, so I could get some work done. I logged into my boss’ computer, because his computer has the accounting software (and I am the accountant)…and this popped up as soon as I turned the computer on:
Then I laughed for about a whole minute straight. Until this and this started popping up:

 To which I turned off the computer and did this:

And now I am going back to work at dinner time with my husband to counteract all of the above.

New Year–A Good Thing?

Happy New Year to everyone! I haven’t been around the blog much this past year, mostly because I have been finishing my Master’s Degree. Check that off the to-do list! Now that I have time again, my goal is to spend a little more time blogging.  I find that when I start having time to myself again, I don’t know what to do. My hobbies don’t come back naturally. I kind of have to force myself into doing them again.

Obviously the gym is a goal for me. I did really well with my 3/week visits in 2008, but since then, things got a little hectic, and the gym was out the window. Now that I have a life again, maybe I can stick with it. I am not a hardcare gymmer, but I did enjoy having toned arms and shoulders. I’d like to have that again, please.

Overall, I kind of hate the “New Year.” I never look forward to starting over again, even though it’s January, and technically nothing changes but the number. I always feel like January means we have to do it all over again. I know each year is different, but I always seem to dread January. It usually means back to work, back to school, back to stress. With no more school work, it means back to work stress–and how!

I really enjoy photography, and I would like to have the motivation to do that again. I haven’t even been excited about weddings lately–and I typically LOVE taking wedding pictures.

So, 2011… Even though I hate your January, I look forward to the free time you will bring to me.

In lighter news, I did get a fancy new phone for Christmas. I absolutely love it!!! It is a Samsung Fascinate–a member of the Android family. I have had 2 Droid phones so far, and I loved the ability to customize things to fit your needs. So much better than an iPhone! BUT… I hated the actual phones I had. The Droid Eris was really fancy looking, but the phone never rang when people called. The LG Ally was big and bulky and always force closed. The Fascinate is absolutely amazing, because it is thing and slick like an iPhone, but I can actually do stuff with it. It’s a “girly” phone as compared to P’s Motorola Droid. I am excited :). I love new technology!

It’s that time again!

I’m excited about Christmas, and it’s evident by my waning will power when seeing Christmas decor in stores. I want to have a fun, Griswald Christmas this year:)
One of the things I am also excited about is sharing the sentiment with holiday cards. I keep seeing tons of greeting cards in Target, Walmart, etc., and I just can’t  decide. I want something that is personal yet fun, and I saw some really good choices on Shutterfly.com. They even have invitations, so I could definite use those for my annual holiday party. I even saw some cute little Christmas ornaments on their site. I can’t contain myself…this holiday stuff is just too much fun!
I want to send out a really goofy card with my pets on it. Lots of people have kid cards, and since I have pets…I could have pet cards :). I think it would be  funny to get my dogs in front of the tree with hats. My mom would think I was nuts, but that is kind of the fun of it! hehe 🙂
I think my pups might like cute on this card
or this one   
 or maybe this one.
Shuttefly is giving away 50 free cards to people who blog about them and  post links. You should check it out…what a great way to get into the spirit of things 🙂


I think as women, we tend to forget about how our moods can change from one second to another..until it happens. It’s like a lightning bolt of this completely random emotion hits us, and we go crazy.

Crying at Campbell’s Soup commercials, grumping from hormones, fuming about how fat we look in all of our clothes today. Are we emotionally unstable? Or just emotional? I don’t really know if there is an “emotionally stable” person–wouldn’t that just mean you had the same emotion all the time? Like a log?

Is anybody out there?

I don’t know how many people read my blog, but I have a favor to ask of the people that may randomly pop in.

We are trying to get the word out there for our small non-profit organization, Junior Achievement. Right now, we are actually in the running for a chance at $20,000 – $250,000 from the Chase Community Giving contest that is on Facebook.

So if you are a fan of education, children, business, or teaching… please consider using one of your 20 votes* to help support our branch of Junior Achievement. I also encourage you to add us as a friend on Facebook and to share the link with your friends on your Facebook wall. Hopefully, we can get $20,000+ to help us teach K-12 children in Virginia about financial literacy and work readiness skills.

*(Yep! You get 20 votes for any organizations you wish, but you are only allowed to vote once for a charity. Also, if you use 5 votes, you win a gift vote to give to a friend.)

Long story short: It’s free, takes 2 seconds, and could help thousands of kids learn! The contest goes from June 15 – July 12, 2010.