My Early Christmas List

I’m not so much a shopper. I have extreme shopping guilt. When I pick items up, I walk around with them until I talk myself out of buying them. But window shopping… that is my forte. So here is my window shopping list:

1. VT Hokie Window Clings – $5.99ish
2. Small VT Garden Flag – $10.00ish
3. Wine/Buffet Bar – particularly one that matches my dining room set or vintage style -$100-200ish
4. Nikon 50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor Lens – $135
5. Solar String Lights – $20ish
6. Love is the Fountain of Life – $100-125 figurine from Precious Moments. Peter and I always take a picture in front of fountains when we see them.
7. Cheers Too, Mikasa Set of 4 glasses (I had a nice set of 4 glasses and have only 1 now)- $40ish. I am still on the lookout for a cheaper 4 pack of glasses though.
8. iTrip Auto – $50-60ish

Junior Achievement

This week I helped my neighbor, April, out with her fundraising event for JA. I had a really good time working with JA and helping them with their fundraiser. It was also extra cool, because they had an event with the Redskins alumni players, so I got to meet and take pictures of them. They were playing golf all day, so we got to ride around in golf carts, which I had never done before. Exciting!

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Short and Sweet

So excited! We planted new plants outfront, and it actually looks like I meant to make the front yard look that way this year :). It always seems that I buy a bunch of plants that I like, but they don’t really go well together. This year the goal was different. I think we achieved it.

Ordered a little video camera! Eeeee! I got the Flip Ultra, so you should look forward to posts about absolutely nothing at all.

My grad classes should be coming to an end for this semester soon. I would love a nice break from them! And then they start up again in the end of May.

Happy Anniversary!

Peter and I went to Williamsburg this weekend to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. We visited the winery and stayed at a beautiful hotel nearby. It was woooonderful!

We didn’t know what to do for our anniversary this year. Last year, the wedding was celebrated by a relaxing week in St. Lucia at a Sandals Resort. I would’ve loved to go back to Sandals again, but those places are pricey and require time taken off from work. Work + grad classes + bills = no Sandals for us this year. We finally decided on a weekend getaway to the Williamsburg Winery. They give you lots of wine to taste and cheese and crackers.. 2 free wine glasses, too. We had a really good time. I think it was just nice to relax and not be at home. My main goal for this anniversary was just to do something that didn’t require coming back home and doing things we do on a normal day. You know?

My parents watched the dogs, and it was nice to know that they were exercising and playing while we were gone. When we got back home, we took the dogs out for a swim in the lake. Lily almost caught a duck. She was very determined and didn’t care if she had to swim around the huge lake 90 times in a circle.

On the topic of dogs, someone has been pooping in the bedroom again, and I don’t think it’s Peter.

Happy Spring!

It is the first day of Spring. You know what that means… Free Rita’s Water Ice!

I think I’m in the mood for Pizza Hut buffet tonight, since it’s Lent and I can’t have meat on Fridays during Lent (for those who needed the explanation). Usually we do sushi on Fridays, but I think that we’re going to sushi tomorrow instead. Anywho, I don’t know if I’ll be able to convince the men about Pizza Hut, but we’ll see!

Hopefully this weekend will be nice and sunny. As I’m looking at the forecast now, I see “warm” is out of the picture. I’ll take sunny though.

Have I mentioned my love for hoodies? I just bought a Virginia Tech hoodie, and I love it. It actually fits me like it’s supposed to! When I ordered it online, I ordered a small, but I had no idea if that meant women’s small or men’s small. It seems like whenever I like a hoodie, the smallest size is still way too big for me. Imagine my excitement when this one fit nicely! Yahoooo!

Maybe I will update more later. I hope to take a lot of pictures this weekend!

Free Credit, Tell Your Kids, Tell Your Dad, Tell Your Mom… la la la

We are about to watch The Office, so I’m just wasting some time.

My immune system = pretty crappy lately. I got this emergency call on Tuesday night of last week, “Lauren *cough* *sneeze*, please… can you sub for me for the rest of the week? I have the flu!” I took my can of Lysol with me the next day to work and sprayed everything I could possibly think of… but you never really get everything. You can’t spray teacher’s manuals or the chalkboard. Against my best attempts, the flu got me, which really sucks, because the weather was so nice last weekend, and I was in bed the whole time!

This week is “Spring Break” for photography. Even though I like my class, it is pretty nice to have a week off from driving 30 minutes to the campus every 2 days.

My thoughts on LOST:
The first season was really interesting.
The second season is getting old. What is up with the bunker and all the food? And, come on, if you have a washing machine, you are no longer lost. *shrug*

Strep Throat, Anyone?

It’s been awhile. I guess I’m due for an illness, right? Last night I felt like I was getting sick–just a small headache, sore throat starting, overall crappy feeling. When I woke up this morning, the all-too-familiar strep throat feeling settled in. Now I’ve got these nasty-tasting antibiotics, but I’m hoping I feel better by tomorrow morning. The motrin finally kicked in, so my throat isn’t as swollen and sore right now. I can actually swallow my drink without pain!

One good thing about being sick: sherbet.

Oh, Word Play

During the middle of mass on Sunday, the congregation began to sing, “Eye Has Not Seen.” At the time, Peter leaned over to me and said, “I has not had cheeseburger.”

Oh, stupid cheeseburger cat.

Conte de L’amour

So for the past few years, Peter has been getting these French emails. Thinking that they were spam, he would just delete them or move them to a different folder in his email. Out of curiosity the other day, I told him he should translate one to see what they say. I was joking when I said, “What if this poor girl is trying to find her long-lost love?” Here are the English translations (via Google) of the emails. I do not speak French, so I used a few different online translators to translate the emails. Some of the words didn’t translate, but you will get the jist of it. Names have been changed.


5/26/06 – No subject


I would very much like you answer me please Pierre?
I will not eat you, you know. I think that between us 2, which is best equipped to afronta the other because you have more feelings for me, it is not you?

Thank you



5/29/06 – No Subject

Good evening, Pierre,

I sincerely need to talk to you, you know?
I am on my knees, Pierre. I am ready to hear you and promise you a love with all sincerity and serenity that will be required.
These are not empty words, allow us to finally hear if you please…

I can not call you because I do not have your fixed number, otherwise I would have preferred that I talk aloud.




6/8/06 – Title: Last Goodbye

Hello Pierre,

I just wanted to say goodbye I had a little conversation with Henri (if you like or do not want him or me I needed new ones), which made me understand that you were spent on something else, and you did not want to hear about me and our history.
I understand even if it makes me tremendously difficult because I sincerely thought that taking off every two, there would be at last. Tant pis.
I really think qu’i are many unsaid misunderstandings and incomprehensions between us, but you have made your decision and I can not do much.
Know what happens as I have loved more than anything in the world and you will always be a place in my heart.
I will stop trying to get in touch with you if you wanted you I hope you do not hesitate.
I love you with all my heart.




3/24/07 – Peek-a-boo

Hello Pierre,

I just wanted to have, if you want to.
I also wanted to know if you have rebuilt your life?

That’s all





Hello Pierre,

My mail may seem incongruous or misplaced; I hope not, however.
This is a moment I felt the need to make you a little sign. I just wanted news, how are you going and that becomes your life.

That is simple if it can be.

See you soon




That is the last email from “Amelie.” I emailed her back (under Peter’s email… she thought his address was Pierre’s) and told her that Peter’s address was the wrong one. I also think I found “Pierre’s” email address through Linked-In, so I sent that to her.

It’s like an email love story! What will become of Pierre and Amelie?

I Know, I Know

I said I would blog more often. I am trying! These grad courses sure keep me busy.

My photography class is going well, although I feel like I am having trouble finding motivation for “movement.”

I will be subbing all this week, which is good. It’ll be hard to find time for all of my grad courses, photo course, choir, gym, and work, but I can do it this week. It’s only 5 days, right? 🙂

I am loving Desperate Housewives. Who kept this show from me??? Peter and I are watching the first season of LOST. It seems to be good so far. I really enjoy having a show that we watch together. Is that silly? Who cares! The rest of the world can be in season 90, but it is nice to share the slow pace with someone.

This blog isn’t too interesting. It’s just a quick “hello” to make sure I am keeping myself in the groove. Ok… time to read!

Note: I finished the Twilight series. I loved it!! I borrowed the books from my friend and next door neighbor. My mom bought me the series for Valentine’s Day, so I can keep it on my shelf to display. I am going to read the 1st and 2nd again before the 2nd movie comes out.