Lovin’ Me Some Nerd

I am ecstatic right now. Peter and I have tickets for Ben Folds on November 12th in Maryland!!! Everytime I try to find tickets for BF, they’re sold out within the first few hours. I CANNOT wait for the concert! He’s playing with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, so it should be awesome. I’ve been listening to Songs for Silverman a lot lately. It makes me sing and bounce in the car on the drive home everyday. What a fabulous weekend that will be! We have close seats, too! YAHOO!!! And I have a thing for nerds, so I’m excited about seeing Ben being geeky and musically-inclined.

Sarah and I will stop for Starbucks tomorrow morning before school, which also makes me happy.

I taught by myself today, because my teacher was absent. It was a pretty good experience, except for the one child that decided to climb on tables and do cartwheels all day. Hey, you win some…


Ready to Go (a whiny blog)

College has been a nice experience, and it seems that I have, unfortunately, had the opportunity to experience it longer than the most college students. This being my 5th year at Radford, I feel that I have been year long enough to say that freshmen wear too little, many sorority girls live up to their stereotypes, most college boys live for boobs and beer, and Dalton food sucks worse now than it did in 2001.

I would not have a problem if December graduation decided to come a little quicker. I’m excited about leaving RU and finally having a real life–the life that all of your college professors talk about when they mention the “real world,” making steady income, being able to afford things that you want/need, not being 300 miles from someone you can hug and knowing that they really care. Let’s goooo!

One of the strange things, though, is realizing that whatever you said, “I’ll think about those things after I graduate,” to… you have to start thinking about now. One of those things that I’ve been dreading for the past 5 years has been my loans. I will graduate, have no job, no money saved up (not really anyway), and will be in debt up to my eyes. Yippieee! And whatever to that 6 month grace period for Stafford Loans. You’re basically forced to consolidate as soon as you graduate, which automatically gets rid of that grace period. And then you owe them your soul.

Well, I’m ready to start paying off my loans instead of racking them up.
I’m ready to have a job where I won’t have to literally be observed and analyzed every week, knowing that the results will determine my fate when I apply for jobs.
I’m ready to have money to finally buy me a car that won’t stall every 10 feet.
I’m ready to not have to relocate every 4 months between RU and Chesapeake.
I’m ready to have my boyfriend be in my vicinity for longer than 3 days (or 1mo or 3 mo depending on the time of year).
I’m readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…

Say Something New

Because it is the weekend, I am extremely excited. I have been physically drained all week. My plan for the next two days is to relax and take lots of NAPS! Woo. I also plan on getting a few hours of work done, too. I need to make some money!

I’ve been making Peter’s photo album of him when he was a baby. I really wish I had a scanner… some of these pictures totally need to be shown to the public. Adorable and quite humorous.

I went shopping by myself tonight at Walmart. I decided to make some chicken salad… it’s not exactly like Meem’s, but I tried. They had no small packs of chicken breasts, because this is Radford (and Radford is in the middle of nowhere). I could only buy the 10 pack of chicken, and frankly, I don’t like the bird that much.

I’m supposed to be looking for some rhyming activities for the kindergarteners, but I don’t see any that I like. A few of the kids really don’t understand the concept of rhyme, but then a few of them are geniuses and understand everything. It’s kind of hard to plan when you have both ends of the spectrum. I suppose that’s normal though.

I went to my wonderful chiropractor today, which is just the best 30 minutes of my life.

Sometimes I look at my blog and think, “Holy crap. I’m so dull,” but you know what?
If I’m that boring, you would have realized in the first paragraph and hopefully would’ve stopped reading by now… so I don’t feel that bad.

Congratulations to the new Alpha Epsilon pledge class of Phi Sigma Pi. I love this new pledge class 🙂 They are all very friendly and seem to be down-to-earth people. We need that in PSP.

I think everyone can relate to this song.

I just remembered that time at the market.
You snuck up behind me and jumped on my shopping cart
And rode down isle 5.
You looked behind you to smile back at me,
Crashed into a rack full of magazines.
They asked us if we could leave.

I can’t remember what went wrong last September,
Though i’m sure you’d remind me if you had to.

Our love was comfortable and
So broken in.

I sleep with this new girl I’m still getting used to.
My friends all approve,
Say, “She’s gonna be good for you.”
They throw me high fives.

She says the Bible is all that she reads
And prefers that I not use profanity.
Your mouth was so dirty.

Life of the party

And she swears that she’s artsy,
But you could distinguish
Miles from Coltrane.

Our love was comfortable and
So broken in.
She’s perfect, so flawless,
or so they say.

She thinks I can’t see the smile that she’s faking
And poses for pictures that aren’t being taken.
I loved you,
Grey sweat pants,
No makeup,
So perfect.

Our love was comfortable
And so broken in.
She’s perfect,
So flawless.
I’m not impressed.
I want you back.

~John Mayer

Old Friends, New Friends

Old friends, new friends
Home with the family
We’ll be together at Christmas
Snowflakes, sleighbells
Bringing back memories
We’ll be together at Christmas
Some things change with passing years
Let this feeling stay
Old friends, new friends
Hoping we’ll always be
Here with each other together
On Christmas Day

~The Christmas Toy


I really don’t have any time to be posting things on the internet right now, but I’m going to post anyway. I figured that people in my life need to know what’s going on, since I don’t have much time to talk on the phone nowadays.

Thank you to Brittany, who watched Lennon all weekend while Peter came to visit me. I hope you enjoyed your gift! Everyone in PSP misses you, Brit! 🙂

Thank you to Peter, who came to visit me this weekend. I swear that this weekend felt like it was 3523562 days long… wonderful! We drove all over (even though gas prices are ridiculous) and hade lots of fun. I finally got to see 40 Year Old Virgin, too! I thought it was hilarious! HAHA! I recommend this movie to anyone who needs a good laugh. I wuvvles.

News: ECPI has hired me to work from home for about 5-10 hrs. per week, which is good for me… I need gas money like crazy. Also, I won’t feel as bad if I want to go to Fazoli’s now.

Goodnight 🙂 Post any questions you may have… I know that I haven’t talked to anyone lately. I’m sorry. PSP Rush is also going on now, and it’s taking up a lot of my time… Soon I might have a life. Maybe.

Labor Day Weekend

It’s coming up soon! Tomorrow is Thursday, which means that I have 2 more Kindergarten days, and then PETER COMES TO RU! 🙂 Yay! It’s a 3-day weekend, too, so I will be off on Monday. I guess I should probably clean my room before I have company, huh?

There isn’t much to say… other than I am dead tired every day of the week. Five year olds really wear you out–especially when there are 60 of them.

Brittany will also be coming to RU soon. Yay 🙂

Ok, sleeping time.

(The above is an old picture from freshman year of college…back in the day)

A Letter to a Friend

Dear Sean,

Years ago, I thought that your first name, “Puff Daddy,” was a bit silly, but recently you’ve changed your name more times than J-Lo has changed her husband. I’d just like to say that no matter how many times you decide to change your celebrity image, I will always refer to you as “Puff Daddy” to remind you of how ridiculous that name is.

I understand if you wish never to speak to me again.

Your Friend,


P.S. “P. Diddy” and “Diddy” are no better than “Puff Daddy”

A Day on the Town

After a week of teaching kindergarteners, I decided to hardcore relax this weekend. It’s been wonderful. I am laying around, doing nothing, watching tv. Don’t worry, folks… My busy schedule will be here soon.

Yesterday, Heather and I met up with Frank and Adam for a delicious meal at the Mongolian Grill Buffet. I’ve discovered a love for fake sushi. It’s seaweed, rice, and cucumber (instead of fish of some sort). It’s wonderful! I could eat it all day long. I also went to Target with the group and bought a new magazine holder for the bathroom. I even painted argyle patterns on it. I impressed myself, too.

I woke up around 10am today and FINALLY watched the rest of Damien: The Omen II. I’ve only been trying to finish that stupid movie for the last 2 weeks. It really wasn’t as good as I anticipated (after the long wait), but it kept me busy for a little while. Pilar and I went shopping at Walmart. I didn’t buy anything too exciting–just some Crystal Light and a pitcher. We also decided to pick Jenny up and went to Roanoke Mall instead of the local tiny mall. I realized that I will probably never shop in any of the following stores:

The Gap
Eddie Bauer
B. Moss

The prices in there are just ridiculous. I think the only thing I can afford is a pair of $5.00 socks. Noooo thank you! However, I did buy some super duper clearance shoes at Hechts. I needed some comfy shoes to wear for teaching. Me-mom bought me 2 pairs of boots, and they are wonderful. I have been wearing them, but I also wanted a pair to slip on quickly if I wear a skirt or something. I found Liz Claiborne shoes that were originally $60.00 but were $11.90 on sale. That’s cheaper than Payless. Yahoo! Bargains are great.

We also went to dinner tonight at Ruby Tuesday. I got the Spicy BBQ Honey Chicken Tender Platter… I thought they were bluffing when they said “spicy.” Nope.

Brittany and Peter went to my brother’s birthday celebration today, which makes me happy. I called to see how things were going, and my mom answers the phone, “Hey.. we just got back from taking Brittany to the emergency room. Your hamster, Sally, really chomped on her hand.” I came to find that she was exaggerating; Brittany did get bit, but it was nothing to worry about. Sally the hamster is the most gentle hamster ever! I can’t believe such a docile creature bit someone. If I absolutely HAD to guess who the one person Sally would bite would be… I would probably choose Brittany though. That girl has bad luck with small animals.

Below is a picture from Target on Friday. Frank, Adam, and I tried on several hats in the men’s department. I think they especially enjoyed the hat with the beaver on it and the one below.

Guys’ hats take on a new meaning when girls wear them. Posted by Picasa