Pity Party and a Hippie Dance

Today was the first full day at the elementary school. My teacher seems really nice, and I think I’m going to enjoy working with her today. She even gave me plans and copies of important things. Wonderful!! 🙂

When I got back to Radford, it kinda seemed like everything went down from there. I had to park all the way over the hill toward Siberia. I took about a 30 minute powernap, which was much needed, and decided to go to dinner. I wanted to get some people to go to dinner, but it seems like everyone is away or unavailable when I need some socialization. It really makes me miss Brittany and how I could bother her at any minute of the day. It made me happy to see chicken salad on the new menu at Au Bon Pain, but then when they said they were fresh out, I wasn’t surprised. I got some crappy chicken on a crossiant and a brownie.

Chance definitely helped make my night more cheerful. I’m so glad he’s in RU… I’ve known him for a few months, but we’ve only hung out about 4 times. It’s funny, because I talk to him more than I talk to some people I’ve known for years. Thanks, nipple knees 🙂 We also danced while the hippies played their music in the quad.

I talked to Peter tonight. He is looking around for a new couch to go on top of his new wooden floor. I hear it’s looking pretty good 🙂 He also said that he may come up on Labor Day weekend. Yay!

Time for bed…. thank you to all of those who made me smile today.

And thank you to Meem and Peep for sending me beautiful flowers 🙂


Sometimes I wonder how sincere people are when they say things.

You could totally believe what they say, but then when you take the initiative, you are the one left looking stupid.

You never truly know.

You Can’t Miss What You Never Had

Tonight was a great night filled with fun and lots of laughs. I hung out with Chance all day and went to Walmart and to the Greek letter store with him. A bunch of Phi Sigma Pi people went to the board game night in the new student center on campus. They had free pizza, so I was there. We had a blast playing Uno and Connect Four. We tried to shove full packs of gum into our mouths, and then almost choked when we realized that the wad (of gum) was way too big… and that saying, “I’m going to choke on this huge wad,” was not a good way to keep a straight face. I laughed so hard; I cried. What can I say? We are all 8 years old at heart.

And a lyric from Mr. Ben… She’s gonna be pissed when she wakes up for terrible things I did
to her in her dreams. It seems to me if you can’t trust, you can’t be trusted. (This exerpt only half applies to my life and half applies to something else)

Phallic, crystalline object that Dad kept giggling about Posted by Picasa

Lauren makes a kissy face, while Peter makes his usual camera face. Posted by Picasa

Jerry and Lauren in Applebee’s (Maryland) Posted by Picasa