No Explanation Needed

dear friend i haven’t heard from you in ages
i wonder how you’re making out
last time we talked i felt the space growing
between us
i didn’t think you’d go so far
tell me how could you just vanish
without giving me any reasons
what were you thinking
and does this all make sense to you?

it’s hard when you dont say anything
when i gave you everything
and still you slip right through my fingers
its hard when you dont say anything
is this how you finish things?
because to me, this doesn’t feel like the end.. dear friend

it’s not like me to put my trust in somebody
but to you i gave it all
and if you’d asked me i would soften all your falls
but now it’s me who’s stumbling

tell me how could you just vanish
without giving me any reasons
what were you thinking?
and does this all make sense to you?

its hard when you dont say anything
when i gave you everything
and still you slip right through my fingers
it’s hard when you don’t say anything
is this how you finish things
cause to me this doesn’t feel like the end… dear friend..

~ Marie Digby

They Did Say It Would Be Tough…

Ugh. Sooo much reading to do. I’m taking 2 graduate level classes toward my Masters degree, and the reading is just so dull. I think there should be a cap on how much reading you should do for one assignment. One assignment = one chapter. I’m ok with that, but one assignment = 3 chapters = kill me now.

Peter gave me my Valentine’s Day gift a little early this year. He says it’s because he likes to give gifts to people, but… I think he was a little excited about the actual gift itself.

It’s a wonderful gift, and the best part is that we’ve mounted it on the wall, and now we have TONS of space in the living room. The old TV was a flat screen 52″, but it was one of those that is a large piece of furniture and took up one whole wall in the living room. I think we’ll try to sell the old one, because it works just fine and is a great TV–it’s just a little bulky for a small townhouse.

Williamsburg Trip

This summer, Peter and I took a day trip to Williamsburg, VA. We went to the colonial section. I was so excited to see everyone in their colonial garb. Peter couldn’t believe that I had never been to the colonial area, because apparently all children in 4th grade in VA go there for field trips. I had to remind him that I did not live in VA when I was in 4th grade. I lived in Philly, and we went to New York City to see the Statue of Liberty, Penn’s Landing, and other Northern landmarks.


I found a way to add music to my blog. Yahoo! Take a listen to some of my faves.

Got any song suggestions?

Things that my Dog Eats

It’s pretty sad (and needless to say annoying) that my dog eats things all the time. Dare I say that she eats enough of our stuff that I decided a while back to make a website dedicated to the topic of “things my dog eats.” Some of the things are humorous, some of the things are dangerous (but she has always been ok–don’t worry). Most of the time, it just pisses me off when she eats my stuff.

A while back, I started taking pictures to document the destroyed objects. Here are just a few.

Her repertoire ranges from a whole bottle of lotion to a whole Domino’s pizza to razors (both electric and regular). Like I said before, she is always ok afterward–no trauma, no emergency room visits. Just aggravated humans. And we’ve tried using the bitter apple spray to punish her for eating things, but she just eats the bottle of bitter apple spray when we aren’t looking.

Note: Please disregard the ridiculous amount of dog hair that is all over everything. It totally sucks. We have, no joke, 6 vacuums of various sizes and styles to attempt to control the problem. Maybe we should Nair the dogs.

Here Comes February

I’m enjoying my photog class. The last class I took for my own enjoyment was when I was 21 and in college choir. It’s nice to just do something because I want to. Anywho.

Photog today was productive. Our instructor came around to critique our photos and tell us which she feels are high-quality images for our first portfolio. It was kind of nice to see that she liked a lot of my pictures and that she seemed to pick out the pics that I felt were my best, too.

Today was a pretty productive day. And by productive, I mean:

  1. Cleaned all of my clothes off the top of the dresser
  2. Cleaned the bathroom
  3. Cleaned the kitchen
  4. Swept the downstairs
  5. Cleaned the wood laminate floors
  6. Folded the rest of the laundry
  7. Made homemade chili
  8. Took a billion pictures

Oh, how domestic.

Also, I feel the need to mention that I changed my blog “design.” Over the past few months, I’ve had a good time playing around with Photoshop and other various Adobe programs. I made a bunch of little buttons and thing-a-ma-jingies from scratch. Bragging rights! And, yes, I know that “pink button” is not pink.

It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I last blogged on here. With a job that deals with children, you start to get a little paranoid that parents will be searching for your name on the internet. I am such a nerd though… I don’t have much that I am embarrassed about, but I still thought it would be a good idea to make this a private blog. Until now.

I took a break from teaching this school year and decided to get my Masters. I am taking a few classes toward my grad degree, but I am also taking a photog class. Trying to keep busy. My goal is to try to be more crafty this year. I used to do TONS of artsy things. Beading, photography, guitar, painting, decorating, cooking. This summer, my grandmom had a stroke, and things got a little crazy after that. She is currently doing well, but the whole situation kind of came from out of nowhere. I guess it was the cherry on top of the overwhelming cake, so I am just starting to settle back into normal life again. I figured my “arts” might help get me back on track. Like a therapy of sorts.

It’s been so long since I’ve blogged . It does not feel like riding a bike. Unless by riding a bike you mean falling, scraping your knee, and getting your ass muddy. It feels kinda like that :).