Long time, no type

I haven’t blogged much lately. It’s been busy, I guess. Not extremely action-packed, but busy enough that I just don’t feel like spending my freetime typing about the busytime….if that makes sense.

Peter and I went to DC last weekend for his work. They gave him an award for being the Info Science and Technology guru. Well, maybe not in that wording, but he made a program, saved their butts, and got an award for it. It looks like a grammy or something. It’s huge and weighs about 24032049 pounds.

3 more weeks of teaching left. The kids are getting so antsy. Everyday their behavior is just a little worse. The weather is warmer, and summer is approaching, so I understand. I am getting antsy, too. We are “growing” butterflies in both classrooms. I’ve never done that before, so it’s a first for me also.

Peter and I have gotten a photographer for the wedding, and you’d better believe that I am relieved about that. I thought getting a photographer was going to be exciting and fun, since I like photography. Searching for photographers is just horrible, because they all cost so much money. And you look at their photos and say, “My grandmom could take a better picture than that.” On the other hand, I understand that some people went to school for photography and have a wonderful artistic eye, but $4000 for 6 hours is ridiculous. Riiiiidiculous. Did I mention that the $4000 does not include an album, proofs, or prints? What in the world are people paying for? I am really happy with the photographer we got though. He has wonderful pictures. His prices were decent. His packages include an album and the full rights to print photos from the free, high-resolution photo CD. Thank you, mister photoman. Now we are looking into wedding color schemes. I keep going back and forth between green and blue now. I just can’t decide. David’s Bridal is the most convenient place, so I kind of have to use them for the bridesmaids’ dresses. We also looked at some wedding favors, and I think I know what they will be! So cute 🙂

Pilar came to visit this weekend. We went to her friend’s wedding. It was so cute! I didn’t even know the couple and I teared up during the ceremony. Adorable couple!

Well, I am sitting in bed, so I might go watch some tv and try to fall asleep. Thank goodness for having Monday off.


This entry is not written for public opinion. It’s merely my thoughts and feelings about today’s events.

It’s weird to think that the school “down the road” from Radford had something so tragic happen. I can’t count the number of times we met friends at Tech or hung out in the dorms. In my last year at Radford, I had to do my student teaching in Blacksburg schools, so since I spent 99% of my time in Bburg, I thought more of Tech as my home that semester. Everyone in BBurg is into Tech football and the Hokies, so I had to actually start watching the games, so I could talk about the common topic in the teachers’ lounge.

The Tech campus became a daily sight for me, and I began to know the ‘Burgs (Blacksburg and Christiansburg) just as well as I knew Radford. So it hits home to know that this place that I saw daily and had sooo many friends at could have such a tragic thing happen. You always hear on the news about shootings and you think, “Wow… that’s horrible.” It honestly never gave me the same feeling/reaction as when I found out about the shootings at Tech today. It’s not something that happens on TV–the sad reality of it [and the main reason I’m writing about it today] is that it happens anywhere. Even in little cowtowns, like those in the New River Valley. I don’t know why or how the guy did it, but I am extremely saddened to know that things like this really do happen in college towns like mine.

Thank God my friends are ok.

Some Miami Pictures to Please You!

Since when do mannequins have double-D’s?

My hero as he chases the scary peacock

Peter being a Komodo Dragon

In zee hotel
Ahh! I hate stuffed pizza with pepperoni!

Me at Vizcaya

Peter and Lauren at Vizcaya

Across the Universe

In the midst of planning a wedding, we will be going to Florida for my “Spring Break.” Remember… I teach kindergarten, so Spring Break is well-needed and welcomed. I have no idea what we will be doing down there. We’re staying near the Keys. I can’t imagine that people could snorkel all day long, so we’ll see!

On a musical note *har har*, I came across a trailer for a movie called Across the Universe. As you can imagine, it’s going to be a musical movie that includes a Beatles’ soundtrack and is sung by the cast. Everytime I hear the trailer, I just want to giggle like a schoolgirl. The lead characters’ voice is amaaaazing. Peter says it’s because he sounds like Ewan McGregor… and everyone thinks I’m obsessed with Moulin Rouge, so I guess that would fall into their theory (–not obsessed. I just like it and I enjoy the soundtrack. Honest.).

I’m going to be a bridesmaid in Michelle’s wedding, so I’m excited about having something to do in September (besides see the movie!!!). Since my wedding is next March, I will need something to break up the time. I am also excited about Michelle’s wedding because I get a pretty dress. It looks very elegant, and how often do girls get to dress up now-a-days?

Peter and I have been looking at reception halls with my parents. We have finally reserved a hall, and it is very nice. If you remind me, I can post a picture. We also have to find a photographer and a DJ, like, yesterday. Apparently they book up quickly, so if you have any photographer suggestions, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. They are so expensive, and it almost seems like a rip-off. I wouldn’t mind paying thousands of dollars if I were getting an album AND a high-quality CD with reprinting rights, but most places either give you just a CD or just an album. I’m having a hard time finding both of the above with photographers that actually take classy pictures. So please… suggestions!

Big News!

Peter and I went to Radford from February 16-19th, and we got engaged! I guess I could type a short summary of how it happened.

I wanted to take pics of RU, so we walked all around the campus. When we got to the fountain area, Peter started acting weird. I took some pics of the fountain, and then Peter grabbed my hand and proposed! Yes, he did get down on one knee. His version would include something about me talking in a high pitched voice, but I don’t remember this. Or at least, I will deny this small squeaky detail. Here is a pic:

And here is my ring:

I went to a bridal show have to say…. I can’t imagine actually wanting to go back… except for the free food part. The vendors are NUTS. They hassle you as soon as you walk in. It’s a little overwhelming. The free food helps though.

So right now, we have unofficially set a date at a local Catholic church. It will be official whenever we meet with the priest and have the “pre-wedding inquiry” or whatever it’s called.

Ciao for now 🙂

No snow for crappy C-peake

I would love to see some snow this season, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. At least not in Chesapeake. We had a bit of flurrying, and by “bit” I mean tiny bit. The locals here call it “snow,” but us transplants know better (and I know that is totally incorrect English). I also hate the fact that the weathermen keep calling for snow, too. They LIE! You know what I have here? Rain.

I miss going outside in a blizzard and hearing nothing else but the snow falling and the wind whirling around. I miss how the snow covered everything so much that the streetlights caused the whole neighborhood to have an eerie orange glow. I miss you, snow. Visit soon.

On another note, I am going to Radford with Peter on Friday afternoon. We will leave “school” (aka my job) at 3:10 and drive 6 hours to SW Virginia. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand…. I hear it may snow there on Saturday night 🙂 🙂 I will bring my camera!

In other news, Petri the Betta has died.

Stolen from TMSLB

1. Cigarette: fiend
2. Sex: -ercise
3. Relationship: friends
4. Ex: -tortion
5. Power: Remote control!
6. Create: art
7. Job: cubicle
8. Food: fast
9. Type: research papers
10. Home: is where the heart is
11. Care: fore… Carefore was a store in PA
12. Value: Walmart… ha
13. Eve: Christmas
14. Jest: Shakespeare
15. Religion: Catholic school
16. Thunder: lightning
17. Fear: bad movie with Mark Wahlberg (sp?)
18. Marriage: couple
19. Back: spring
20. Spark: Tilt
21. Tear: s for Fears
22: Trust: in me
23: Boredom: going crazy
24. Inside: out
25: Fire: engine
26. Game: Boy
27: Soft: Tissue
28: Ice: cubes
29: Hard: candy
30: Because: I said so
31. Community: service
32. Wood: pants
33. Theme: Unit (teacher talk)
34. Love: smiling
35. Hate: throwing up
36. Friendship: endings
37. Money: green
38. Heartache: Heartbreak
39. Lust: dirty (hey, I’m Catholic. I have to say that)
40. Time: 60 Seconds
41. Divorce: Settlement