Cheese and Tea Party

So far today, everyone that I’ve come in contact with has had trouble
a) understanding something that was said


b) hearing something that was said,

which makes for very entertaining conversation.

This morning, Peter swore that he heard a commercial say, “You won’t want treats if you have a high beaver! Make sure you don’t have a big beaver!” in reference to Children’s Motrin, a product for high fevers.

My dad found a knife in the kitchen drawer and asked where we got such a small knife. I told him it was from a cheese kit. He looked at me like I was nuts and said, “A cheese kit?”
“Yes, it is a kit with cheese-related things.” After he jumped up and down like a nut because he couldn’t comprehend what a cheese kit was, my mom finally entered the conversation and said, “Yes. A cheese kit. I know what she’s talking about.” I didn’t think that “cheese kit” needed to be explained any further. I thought it was kind of self-explanatory. *shrug*

And for some reason in the car tonight, Matt and Peter were discussing “Corpse tea parties,” a very sick reference to an earlier conversation. The latter conversation went something like this, M: “At least it’s not a corpse tea party.”
L: “Corpse Tea Party? What’s a Corpse…oh.”
To which the boys laughed and laughed.

In other news, I’m looking for a new hairstyle. I have thin, dirty-blond hair that varies between shoulder length and mid-back length. I usually wear it with a straight part down the middle, no curl, no gel, no hairspray. Sometimes I curl the ends under, but as far as styling goes, it’s usually comb and run out the door. I know, I know. The kicker… sometimes I even “blowdry” in the car by froofing my hair in front of the heater on full-blast. I think my hair looks cute in the those little retro headbands, but other than that, I have no accessories.

Ideas would be greatly appreciated!

This weekend, Peter and I decided to try out our cake-making abilities. The 5-tier cake looks beautiful, but I forgot a key ingredient: baking powder. I made 2 rock cakes. Peter decided to try his own with the ingredients this time. His cakes were much fluffier. They taste the same as mine, but mine would do much damage if thrown at something. They also make a nice thud when you put them on the table.

We also made fancy icing, called “fondant,” to put on the cake. It’s a powdered sugar icing that ends up turning into a semi-hard covering. It’s the type of icing that many people get on wedding cakes or special occasion cakes. I was feeling “Tiffany box blue” inspired, as Peter would call it, so I dyed the icing blue. Viola!

For Brittany

Apparently in eastern cultures, it is customary for the women to place vaginal secretions behind their ears and on their pulse points as a perfume to attract men. And so I bring you…………

Brittany, I miss you 🙂 ha

And I said, "What about…."

I’ve never been much of a super girly girl, but my recent increase in freetime has allowed me to websearch for anything I’ve ever thought of or heard of. I know that many girls have a fascination with Tiffany’s jewelry, so I was wondering what the big deal was. On inspection of the Tiffany’s website, I came to this conclusion:

[Holy crap] That is some nice stuff.

Many of the sorority girls at college wear the big-link, silver necklace with the heart-shaped dogtag. Do you know what I’m talking about? I’m not really a BIG fan of that necklace–probably because everyone wore it as if to say, “Look at my expensive necklace that my boyfriend, Chad/Brad/Foofy gave me.”

BUT. Here is some of the bling that caught my eye.

Very classic earrings.

Something about this one… I guess I like the cliche “Key to my Heart” idea behind this one.

Peter always jokes that my favorite color (and the color we are painting his bathroom) is “Tiffany box blue.” I have no idea what a T. Box looks like, but he seems to think it must be encoded in female DNA.

Boys, boys, boys. They just don’t get it.


One of my MySpace contacts had a website in their profile, so I decided to try it out. It’s a slogan generator for your name. Here a just a few of my slogans:

Does You Does, or Does You Don’t Take Lauren?

Whatever You’re Into, Get Into Lauren.

The Lauren With The Hole.

I’d Walk a Mile for a Lauren.

Smart. Beautiful. Lauren.

Make Lauren Yours.

What are some of your slogans?

There is nothing on TV

Don’t you hate when that happens? You sit down to enjoy some entertainment, and the ironic thing is… you just get pissed off because you are neither relaxed or entertained.

The internet is also losing its appeal. I used to be able to sit on the computer for hours and surf webpages, talk to friends, email people, etc. Have you ever seen the commercial with the guy who clicks on a link and gets the message, “You have reached the end of the internet.” That’s how I feel about this thing lately.

Anyone have any recommendations? What do you do online to keep yourself busy? Besides porn. I should have said that. No porn, please. But suggestions or websites that are entertaining would be appreciated.

And the only thing on television is The Wedding Planner with J-Lo, which I’ve seen a billion times.

Commercial Update

I just saw an Afrin commercial that featured a running booger.

And no, I don’t mean a runny nose. I mean a booger that was running around a kitchen. Gross.
I will have to post a pic from my TiVo.


Booger Commercial Update:

Happy 2007!

Can you believe it’s 2007? In 2006, many adult things happened to me… like the fact that I had to get a car, start paying back my loans, and get a real adult job. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I’ve graduated from college.

This weekend, Brittany came down to visit. We had a great time. We even had a tiny New Year’s gathering last night. Sooo much cozier than the 30 people gatherings we used to have. AND this one only took 5 minutes to clean up. Nice.

While Brit was here, we went shopping like crazy and ate a lot of bad-for-you food. It was awesome. So Brit, this is for you!

Lauren and Brittany over the years

The Weekend with Brittany

Brittany is here this weekend! We are having a blast being girly, window shopping at every store in the area, eating junk food, taking goofy pictures, and watching sappy movies. Above is our attempt at the Neutrogena commercials with the girls that splash water on their faces. Now let me tell you, we just could not get the perfect splash. We applaud you, Neutrogena girl. Your splash is magnificent.

(A shout-out to LJ: I noticed your nifty collage effect from Picasa and borrowed it.)

A Look at Christmas 2006

Swan Terrace

Founder’s Inn

Candles at the Berquists’ house

Dad’s Usual Spot

Christmas Tree

Meem, Mom, and Me at Holiday High Tea

Peter’s Gram, Peter’s Mom, and Me

Today was a good day. We opened gifts and laughed and ate. I’m not really in the mood to post. have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn tomorrow, so I want to go to bed shortly.

Images to come soon. I’ve been busy lately. Christmas is tomorrow (actually, it’s right now). I have to dogsit this week, so that means getting up early in the morning to let the dogs pee. Not too excited about that. I guess the good thing about getting up early means that my day is longer.