Warning: lots of pictures below..

I haven’t done anything to these pictures. I just shot them and posted them, so they haven’t been played around with in Photoshop. I’m hoping to devote my summer to using Photoshop like a pro. I suck at it.

Happy Birthday to Me


Yesterday (Nov 14th) was my birthday. Peter got me new lenses for my camera (see above… haven’t had much time to fool around with the lenses though). Mom and Dad got me some clothes, a phone car-charger, and dinner. Peep and Meem got me pjs and some tools for my car.

Day 1, 5:00pm

My fabulous creation


First REAL Day

I taught today. I thought I would do all of these things, but when it comes down to it, you end up forgetting half of what you thought you’d say, and you say all of these other things. So hopefully I’ll get to the other half of it tomorrow.

I haven’t been writing much lately, but I really haven’t been inspired. My days have seemed very work-filled, and I don’t really want to write much about work. I think that people should be able to leave work at work and have home in the home. So now I just need to figure out how people balance their lives 🙂

I need to get my tires aligned… badly. My car wobbles down the street, and I don’t really need any problems with it, since it’s “new.”

It’s October. I can’t believe it! Soon I will be 23. The birthdays just keep on comin’. Ha… I remember when it was like 35039250923 years until my next birthday, and now it seens like they are right around the corner.

Brittani, Matt, Peter, and I have been catching up on all of the previous seasons of this show called Prison Break. WHAT A GREAT SHOW! I have to admit–I thought Brittani was nuts when she mentioned this show, but it is definitely addictive. And the main character isn’t too bad to look at either, so it works either way. I think we have about 3-4 more episodes until we are finally caught up with the episodes that are airing now (this season). If you have a free weekend with nothing to do, I suggest renting the first season and watching it. Good stuff.

Peter and I went to the Bark in the Park this weekend. It’s a thing at the local dog park where people bring dogs and put on shows. Yes, both the people and the dogs put on shows. Dog jumping, dog running, dog leaping, dog swerving, dog eating (as in dogs doing the eating–not dogs being eaten), etc. It was cute to see all of the pups, but lemme just say that people need to stop buying little outfits for their dogs. It was cute the first time I saw it. Now it’s just getting old.

Chorus is really interesting this semester. Our choir seems to have cut itself in half. A lot of the older members are out, and we have a younger crowd now. Don’t get me wrong; we still have some of the older members, but it’s nice to have young blood in there 🙂 I was taking a look at the Christmas music that we got, and I think Jeff, our director, might be smoking crack. You should check out this one song… “Little Lamb” or “The Lamb” by Tavener. Try to find an MP3 on the internet of this song. There are some really pretty parts to it, but the rest of it is crazy.

Ok, bedtime. Have a goodnight!

Peter’s New Bedroom Floor

So this is what we’ve been doing for the past 4 days. I helped. Honestly. Not much, but I did some helpage. Apparently I don’t use a hammer correctly–I didn’t even know that was possible. I thought it was just

  1. Hold hammer.
  2. Hammer with hammer.

Leave it to me to get it wrong. I smashed my finger a few times, too. Awesome. I can’t wait to see how messed up my fingernails look this week. But yea, I mostly hammered, put down new boards, gave boards to Peter and Matt to cut, and made sure the guys had drinks, because we all know that men will run on no food or drink as long as possible.. even if they are dealing with electrical shop equiptment. And we all know that low blood sugar is something you don’t want to have when dealing with a machine that could cut your hand off. So, yes. I saved the day!!!! 🙂


I don’t know what these letters mean, but they sure do make a tasty Starbucks drink.

Training has been this week. It’s been ok. They are giving us lots of free stuff and free books. It’s crazy. I’ve been laminating like a fool lately, too. Hopefully I will have some downtime soon.

However, I did clean my room this weekend. I know, I know. Not a big deal to you guys, but to me it really makes a difference.

Jerry went off to college. I think he likes it so far. I also think college has been de-scarified for him, which is good because he was almost peeing his pants about it last week.

I’m into Project Runway. It’s a neat show. Also, I like that Junk Brothers show. It makes me smile to know that people are doing nice things for other people. Silly, random thought, but oh well! :-p

Short post 🙂

Posting Problems

I am so bad at posting new blogs lately. Being out of college really gives you a lot less free time, even though I am doing less now… kinda. I go to work during the day, so when I get home, I just don’t feel like sitting down at the computer anymore. I want to go out and go to the store before it closes. I feel like an old woman! By the time I get into my bedroom, it’s 10:30-11pm at night, and by that time, I want to snuggle in my bed and sleep. Or at least watch some tv.

ECPI has been fun lately. Kathi, my boss, hired a new person to take over my position when I leave. Her name is Brittani, and I am sooo glad that Kathi hired her. My department is awesome, but I get a little lonely being by myself out front all the time. Brittani and I are sharing the space right now. It’s a little cramped, but I don’t mind because I have a friend to talk to! The company went on a dolphin boat ride the other day, and it was nice to see Marianne and Britt outside of work. I sound like a dork right now, but I’m excited to have another friend in the area. Outside of college, the friend-making process seems to die down. Working with 5 year olds also doesn’t lend well to making friends my own age.

I’ve gotta set up one of my classroom’s today. That should be interesting when I get in there and realize that I don’t have as much stuff as I thought I did. Eek.

Lauren as a South Park character. Aww. I’m cute.

Currently accepting giftcards

I signed a contract for 2 kindergarten positions at local elementary schools on Friday. The hard interviewing work finally paid off! My job is kinda complicated though, because I will be an extended day kindergarten teacher at one school in the morning and then another school in the afternoon. I am a full-time employee for VBCPS which is good. I spent tonight filling out the bucket o’paperwork they gave us for Health/Life/Dental/etc. insurance. Thank goodness my parents know how to read insurance-talk. It’s so ridiculous… the insurance company gives you 4 books of information that explain their plans, and then the actually application is like, “Name, Address, Phone, Signature” and that’s it. It drove me nuts.

I have been buying like crazy on EBay. I am DONE for a while–I hope. I bought 16 books by Tommy DePaulo (sp?), 60+ random kindergarten books, and a supply of pattern blocks. The only bad thing about having 2 different schools is that I have to supply 2 different classrooms. I am a recent college grad = poor. I reaaaaaaaally hope some nice teacher will “donate” to the Lauren fund *crosses fingers*.

Anywho… Peter and I went to Busch Gardens this weekend. We TRIED to get other people to go also, but that seems to always be a no-go. We had fun, despite the outrageous heat index, long lines, and dramamine to make us sleep–yes, you heard me right. Apparently my tolerance for 12 roller coaster rides in a row has disappeared completely. Now I’m good for 2 rides, then a show, 2 rides, then a show, 1 ride, then a show, dinner, 1 ride, walking, etc. The pattern is not good for a person that used to LOVE spinning, flipping, and twirling upside-down. Ugh, I suck.

It is 12:14am, but I just don’t want to go to sleep.